Saturday, January 16, 2016

Annas Rule In January

Unlike most US hummingbirds, Anna's do not migrate, but spend all year along the west coast from Washington State, down to California and over to Arizona.

While their normal body temperature is 107°F, they can lower it at night, going into torpor which is a semi-hibernation and allows them to survive cold nights.

I've been watching a male Anna for some time now.

This is a poor photo, but it is photographic proof that I have two males. 

I expect that come spring there will be some territorial wars.

For now the two guys appear to tolerate each other with a minimum of dive-bombing.

I have three feeders, but this one on the kitchen window, is by far the most popular.

The Hufflepuffs and I enjoy watching these little jewels.


  1. Love Annas! They are so pretty, these guys! So what hummingbirds exist on the east coast?

  2. You are truly blessed to have them all the time! I have rarely spotted some in my gardens over the years.

  3. I love watching our hummers....we have them all year round here in Arizona...a few varieties to enjoy.

  4. I miss these little beauties, next year for sure! thanks for the lovely pictures.

  5. You are so lucky to have these little guys in your garden

  6. They are beautiful. How lucky you are.

  7. Amazing photos! They are just amazing little works of art!


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