Monday, October 19, 2015

Owls and Hummers

Design - "Special Delivery - October 2014"
Designer - Pine Mountain Designs
Fabric - 30 count Lilac linen 
Fibers - DMC - 2 strands over 2 threads
Started - 8 October 2015
Completed - 15 October 2015 

This kit came is Aida and I changed it out to linen.

The kit also included a tuck pillow for an instant finish - my favorite kind!

This might well me my last series of hummingbird photos for a while.  There fewer birds - maybe three. And they are SO busy eating that they do not pose for me any longer.

The Mudroom Flowerbed is rather ratty looking but it is incredibly popular with the hummingbirds and the honey bees.


The Anna's females are pretty birds.  

There's that tongue!

Lovely green back.

And a bit of color at the throat.

Dark wings.

I so enjoy watching them.

Now isn't this a lazy bird? She's hanging on to the fence to eat.

Morning Glories make a good breakfast treat.

And here's my male Anna's Hummingbird.

He's got color on his head and throat.


  1. So pretty! I love his bits of pink. :D

  2. Hello, I love your pillow and the pretty hummers. I have been missing my hummers since they left for the south. Happy Monday, enjoy your new week ahead!

  3. Beautiful photos of the hummers - you've captured some true beauty there. And nice stitchery as well.
    Thanks for linking up at

  4. "Special Delivery" is so cute! Love seeing your hummers. Our hummers are gone for the season.

  5. I have a stage in my life also when i did a lot of cross stiches, but they are wall designs, i did a lot even before it became a craze. And i was a bit arrogant to myself because i prefer difficult designs with a lot of cuts. hehe. That is only for my self fullfilment. Now the frames are just stocked in boxes, because we don't have a lot of walls!

  6. I have a stage in my life also when i did a lot of cross stiches, but they are wall designs, i did a lot even before it became a craze. And i was a bit arrogant to myself because i prefer difficult designs with a lot of cuts. hehe. That is only for my self fullfilment. Now the frames are just stocked in boxes, because we don't have a lot of walls!

  7. very pretty finish, beautiful birds ☺

  8. what a beautiful little bird! absolutely lovely!

  9. Such a cute finish--I'm always amazed at the number of smalls you stitch, Beth, that I have never seen before!!

    Wonderful shots of the hummingbirds--especially like the one with the morning glories.

  10. Amazing shots of the Hummingbird!!

  11. Beautiful shots! Humming birds usually aren't so cooperative.

  12. Your owls are just adorable! I admire those with the chance to capture hummingbirds. They aren't easy but you did a great job.

  13. The owl is really cute, and then in the tuck pillow--fabulous! No hummer pictures for me this year, so I am living vicariously through yours! Ha!

  14. Love the the owl needle work... I still have a hummer feeder up, but it is so cold now that I have it there for a migrant who might have been passing through... The freeze has made the yard and garden so quiet... so sad...Michelle

  15. Gorgeous photos of the hummingbirds!


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