Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Stitching and Strolling

I'm still on an Alma Lynne kick (I can hear Nikki of Stitch Bitch gagging!). I'm going to stitch "Stormy Night" The large green ark with the lightening bolt sky.  I like all the drama of that.

Our skies have been rather dramatic of late, but not in a good way.

Over the weekend, the winds shifted and the smoke and haze from numerous forest fires drifted into the Willamette Valley. This is what it looked like as the sun rose on Sunday morning.

The sky was brown and the smell of smoke very strong.  Air quality deteriorated to unhealthy. I know some folks have not enjoyed their a cool and wet summer, but oh what we in the west would give for some rain!

By mid-Monday the winds had shifted and our skies cleared.  So let's take a walk.     

I'll start off with a mystery plant.  We've been watering our back yard and now have a patch of this growing.  It has very fine leaves and is low to the ground - no more than 4" tall.  It looks rather like a larkspur. Thanks to Shelia the plant has been identified  as Butter and Eggs or Common Toadflax (Linaria vulgaris).

We have lots of Douglas fir cones this year.

And the Madrone have finally recovered from our hard cold winter of two years ago.  I think they have the prettiest bark.

I also like the 'spent' look of the Ocean Spray.

The Hazels are preparing for next year with a good group of catkins.

Moss and lichens - it is the Pacific NW after all!

Most of the thistles have gone to seed.

Lots and lots of Oak galls.

Oregon White Oaks are lovely slow growing trees.  I found several acorns on the ground and brought them up for the Acorn Woodpeckers.

Nootka Rose hips.

Here's another mystery plant - a grass this time.

Aren't those funky seed heads for a grass?


As dry and hot as it has been this spring and summer, I was pleased to see there is still a pool or two of water in the Big Creek.  The birds and animals must frequent this area as water is hard to find.


  1. I'll have you know I've stitched TWO Alma Lynn charts. One was a baby sampler for a cousin's daughter and the other was a Christmas wallhanging for another cousin. (She still uses it every year. I'll try to get a photo.)

  2. The "mystery plant" you show in your blog looks like what we in New England call "Butter and Egg". I don't know any more about it.

  3. Pretty choice! I like the fabric color, too. That's a pretty yellow plant, and aptly named.

  4. Lovely choice! The design does look dramatic. I think I must add this chart to my wishlist. Pretty trail walk with a surprise pool. Thank goodness it survived the heat! love Annette

  5. Oh I think of everyone and hope for rain when the news comes on. It is terrible and I feel so bad for the people and wildlife and even the forests. Yes we have had plenty of rain and I wish it could be doled out to those who need it. I hope your air stays clear.... Thank you for sharing your walk with Nature Notes...Michelle

  6. I love taking a walk with you. You show us so many pretty things! Our air was much the same Sun. So far, the helicopters have had trouble putting water on the fires due to very limited visibility!! Our air over here is pretty good this week.

  7. I've been watching the news about all the wildfires in your area, and I hope and pray that they end soon. Hope you are safe! The grass you pictured is certainly unusual; I wonder what it is. Thanks for taking us along on your walk--the Pacific Northwest is one of my favorite places to visit!

  8. I love all the pretty plants--they look green! Ours are looking a little droopy and brown!
    Can't wait to see that Ark--I do like the colors and black fabric!!!

  9. Beth, so glad to see the west coast is finally getting rain. The Linaria (butter & eggs) is one of my favourite little wildflowers - one of the last splashes of wildflower yellow along our highways and trails.

  10. Very nice photos!
    Thank you for linking up at


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