Friday, August 7, 2015

July Stitch in August

I never got around to working on Little House Needleworks "Liberty 1776" in July.  But I did take it out and work on it recently.  This is a terrible photo, the colors are great and I do intend to keep plugging along on it.


Here's an Anna's Hummingbird.

Late one evening last week I observed four hummingbirds on one feeder, with two more hovering near by and yet one more perched on a tree.  As luck would have it, I did not have my camera. 

The Rufous Hummingbirds and look short and stout...

...or long and sleek. 

I watched with interest to see if this hummer would lite and get a drink...  

I do think the flow of the water is so gentle that they bird could perch without any ill effects.

Hey Anna!


Rather grumpy.

Look to the left... 

...and to the right.

Ready to go do battle to defend my nectar!


  1. Love your Noah finish from the last post. Love hummers! But you know that already. lol1

  2. I love the piece you're working on, Beth--always enjoy any red, white, and blue finishes... We've had a bad year for hummers--they didn't like the new feeder I bought so I need to find another. Not sure what the problem was, but I do miss seeing them!

  3. Great start so far! You'll have it finished in no time. You take such lovely photos :-)

  4. I sooo enjoy your posts....stitching AND birding....both my favorites, but also enjoy the kitties!! Happy stitching!! Getting ready in STL for our winter feeding & suet!!!

  5. I am surprised the hummers were willing to share a feeder. I think that is going to be a really nice patriotic project.

  6. Gorgeous hummingbird photos! I especially love that last shot! I love the name of your blog! I love to garden, but it is hard on me now, plus I have trouble growing anything here in the desert except desert plants! I embroider, quilt & sew, watch the birds, paint, read, write and blog. Looks like we have some things in common! :-)


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.