Sunday, August 30, 2015

Battling Birds

I am going kind of crazy taking photos of hummingbirds as in a month or so the Rufous Hummingbirds will head south.  So I am enjoying them while they are still here.

The Rufous battle of possession of the Mudroom Flowerbed - tail feathers fanned out.

This was an extremely hot day. 

Birds have not sweat glands, so they cannot sweat.
They pant instead. Panting cools the bird's airways and helps to lower their internal temperature.

A cooler day, a happier Anna.

Anna on the look out.



On full alert 

Rufous at the feeder

Male Anna

Female Rufous

Female Anna

Female Anna on verbana

Aren't those darling little feet?

"No one get's to use the feeder without my permission!"

Male Anna

Gleaming feathers

Glad to have a male Anna active in the area once again.

And we're back to the the Battling Rufous!

I'm linking up with Nature Notes - take a look!


  1. Yes, they are darling little feet! ;)

  2. I love your photos of birds! Could you post sometime what kind of camera you use to zoom in on them?

  3. All that flapping. No wonder they are over heated.
    Wonderful shots.

  4. Always love seeing your bird pics, and am amazed at the incredible shots you get of the hummingbirds!

    We had one in the front yard yesterday - only the second time I've seen one "in real life" - wish I'd had time to grab the camera.

  5. Beautiful pictures! I did not know that about the panting, very interesting. We are finally nice and cool. I hope it stays that way, for both the wildlife and the humans!

  6. Great pics as always! Love seeing the hummers!

  7. lindos passaros, amei um abraço boa semana!

  8. Hello Beth, wonderful series and info on the hummers. They are so pretty, love their jewel necks. Have a happy week ahead!

  9. What perfect hummingbird pictures! I felt lucky to get two usable pics of one hummer.... You are so good. No bumbles! (I love the title of your blog, this is my first visit). We live in Lane County for part of the year now (and lived here full time until we retired). Nice to see someone from home on Michelle's wonderful linkup.

  10. My late friend was a wildlife mentor to me and she rehabbed hummers. She would send photos that I wish I had saved showing her feeding these little birds. I developed a true appreciation for this birds and I have four feeders out from May till October for them...Michelle

  11. Lovely Hummingbirds. They are so amazing.
    My feeders are really busy right now. I usually take them down October 1st.

  12. Cutest birds ever. Thank you!


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