Friday, August 28, 2015

Ark Animals and Ark Birds

I know, I've hardly started one ark and here I am with another kitted up.  I am thinking that September will be Catch Up month as I have several large stitches that are far from done - so what's one more?

I need to find a Noah's Ark that features birds besides the ubiquitous doves.

While there are Wild Turkeys with in 1/2 mile of our house, we do not often see them.  I was thus pleased to see this hen and her three chicks down by our Big Bird Feeder. 

The chicks are pretty good sized.

Mama is still in charge though.

The babies voted for a morning nap in the sunshine.

Mama agreed to no more than ten minutes before moving off.

I have oodles of American Goldfinches in the feeders and...

..on the ground.  I'd estimate well over 50 birds.

They love the seeds of the verbena bonariensis.  

I continue to see a Black-headed Grosbeak everyday. These stragglers must be taking the last train out of town!   

Papa Quail...

...and his crew of kids come by several times a day.

I continue to see Cedar Waxwings too.

Same bird - all puffed up!

Two younger birds - they've got that rumpled just got out of bed teenager look to them.


  1. Wow! I have never seen that many goldfinches at one time. :)

  2. Such beautiful bird photos! And I love the turkeys! We have turkeys here and I see them from time to time, just walking around! I live near the Natchez Trace, and they are out there pretty often! I love to see them!
    I'm loving all the Ark stitching!

  3. I don't think you can have too many ark designs. I think the wild turkeys are so interesting!!

  4. Fantastic photos.

    Looking forward to seeing your stitching on Noah's Ark.

  5. Look at all those Goldfinches!! Wow! I may have seen one or two this year... Looking forward to seeing the next Noah finish from August... and what you decide to work on in September! Catching up..Hugs!


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