Sunday, July 5, 2015

Taking it Easy

There are bunnies everywhere.
Big bunnies and little bunnies.

The cool of the morning is the perfect time to groom. 

Long ears require special care.

Turn to the left.

Then to the right.

Look!  There's a pink bunny tongue!

"What?!  I am a well-groomed bunny."

Morning is a great time to sun bath too.

Stretch out...


...and stretch again.

Frolicking bunnies.

The chipmunks report there are baby Quail all over the place.

They are darling.

The parent Quail fear no one!  

The yard is big enough for everyone!


  1. Gorgeous photos Beth. It always makes me laugh when you mention your yard. Here in the UK a yard is a small flagged area, usually at the back of an older house.

  2. A bunny bathing - so cute. I love when they wash over their ears.

  3. So so cute! I'm behind in my blog reading, but I'm enjoying all your posts!

  4. Man, I would love to just visit your yard. :D I love how the baby quail and chipmunk are together.

  5. Amazing how much wildlife you see! Love the pics. Thanks for sharing.

  6. Beautiful pictures. I think the deer and the quail are prize winning!

  7. Wow! You have so many wonderful visitors!

  8. OMG. I LOVE bunnies!! I wish I lived in a place where there were more of them. I hardly see any. So, more bunny pics, please!!! LOL.

  9. What a wonderful post! I love your comments Beth and really enjoyed the delightful bunny photos - they are so darned cute! Your yard is wonderful with lots of room for everyone!


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.