Sunday, April 19, 2015

Sunny Sunday

We are to have a very warm Sunday - 76f!

The cats enjoy basking in the sunshine.

I'm not sure how the bunnies feel about the warm weather. 

If it makes the cats lazy and lethargic, they are probably all for it!

I'd expect the chipmunks feel the same way.

One of them is getting pretty tame!


  1. Oooh wow! How neat that you can pet it! It is going to be warm here, also...bringing in the rain!

  2. Wow, he is getting tame, if you could touch him. I think they are so cute.

  3. Oh my, that is extremely tame for a wild animal. The cats will be jealous:-)

  4. Oh wow! the chipmunk let you pet him! My husband has a war of the territory with the chipmunks here! HA HA! He is constantly watching for them and when he sees them sends out our cats to scare them away.

  5. Aww, that is so sweet that he let you pet him. We were able to pet a chipmunk and feed him many years ago. The kids were amazed.

  6. I think all the creatures including us humans are enjoying a beautiful Sunday here in the NW!

  7. Wow! That is awfully tame to let you pet him! How unusual! Love seeing everyone enjoying the sun!

  8. Oh my goodness! I've known chipmunks at my FIL's cabin to feed off his hands but not to let him pet it, ever! Isn't that marvellous that you got to do that. But be careful, it may be just wanting to move in with you - lol!

    Looking forward to your new start on the silly goose.


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