Friday, April 10, 2015

So Close!

I am SO close to finishing up "November's Chrysanthemum". I just need to fill in the lighter yellow of the two flowers and I will be done.

When I was on a walk the other day I happened to see these two large birds flying in close formation overhead.  A couple of F-15 C/D Eagle fighter jets from the Oregon Air National Guard probably.

Spring is busting out all over.  My brother has a lovely ornamental tree.

And Lilacs, which normally are an early May event, are also in bloom.

The deer are happy with the mild Spring weather.

I think they are shedding the heavier Winter coats.  This fawn is pretty ratty looking! 


  1. Ahh, the lilacs. Love them. And the pink trees. ;)

  2. My street is full of those pink trees, it looks amazing!
    Evalina, This and that...

  3. That is such a pretty design! Lilacs are blooming here too!

  4. November looks beautiful! Your lilacs are stunning.

  5. Your November stitch is lovely! All of those in that series are really pretty!
    Love all the pretty blooms--it's that time of year, finally!!!
    Sweet little fawn will get his summer "do" shortly!! HA

  6. The November piece is pretty spectacular in the colors! can't wait to get to the finish post... We have jets flying over us ALL the time! I don't mind--keeping us safe! Hugs!


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