Monday, April 6, 2015

Portland Day Trip

Thanks to all the good advise and direction I received from Faithful Commenters, I made super progress on "Gentle as a Lamb".  I switched over from my back-and-forth method to just stitching all the dark swirls in the coat.  I then stitched the bright raspberry ribbon and the legs.  So now I just need to fill in the oatmeal colored part of the lamb's coat, and stitch the rest of the sentiment.  I would think I might have a finish to share in the near future!

I hope you all had a nice holiday weekend - we all did!

Last Thursday we went up to Portland, Oregon to visit a family member who was there for a conference.  We took her to see the Pittock Mansion.

It is a French Renaissance style chateau and was built in 1914 by the owner and publisher of The Oregonian newspaper, Henry Pittock and his wife Georgiana. 

Henry arrived in Oregon in 1853 and his wife a year later. They married just before her 16th birthday.  This home was their retirement home.

Perched high on a hill it has wonderful views of downtown Portland and the Willamette River.

The house was home to the Elder Pittocks, their two daughters and husbands and grandchildren, as well as two orphaned nieces.

While the house has a lovely formal dining room, 

...the family took most of their meals in this smaller nook area.

The kitchen has a magnificent large stove with several ovens. 

And as you might expect, it has a sweeping staircase.
There is also an Otis elevator.

Lots of spacious bedrooms... 
with large walk-in closets... 

...and luxurious en-suite bathrooms. 

Many of the rooms provide wonderful views of the city below.

Mrs. Pittock and the housekeeper used this area to plan the day's meals and the social calls that might be made. 

Sleeping porches were considered to be healthy and this is an especially pretty one.

There was a nursery...

...and a sewing room...

...and a large music room.
Both of the daughters studied at the Pittsburg Music Conservatory.

And here's my Pittock Mansion "Downstairs" photo - the laundry room!

It was fun to tour the home and share time with a family member we are not often able to see. 


  1. Looks like a great tour of a pretty mansion and garden! Love the lamb!

  2. Awwww that lamb is loooking so cute
    Wow, beautiful photos, thanks for sharing, it was very enjoyable,
    Take care

  3. What an amazing mansion! I've always dreamed of having one of those sweeping staircase. Thanks for taking us with you.

  4. Wowie Zowie! What a mansion. Beth,I love that nursery. Is that for a puppet show?!

  5. Oh I love your Gentle as a Lamb - so cute. You are almost done too! How many BOAF animals left to do?

    That mansion is amazing!

  6. Oh my gosh-that stove is amazing! Looks like a wonderful place to visit. Makes you wonder what life was like in that house.
    I so admire your stitching.

  7. Next time we are in Portland, I would love to see that home. I do many things the way you are doing that cute sheep. It seems easier to me to get in the designs and then fill the rest.

  8. Looks like a great place to visit. I love stuff like that. That stove is to die for. (So long as it works, of course. lol)

  9. I wonder how many people were needed downstairs to keep the upstairs running?! Beautiful house. Your lamb is looking great!

  10. I wonder how many people were needed downstairs to keep the upstairs running?! Beautiful house. Your lamb is looking great!

  11. The house looks a beautiful place. They have a room for everything! Great stitching too.

  12. Wow-cool place to visit! I love historical places... kinda goes with genealogy!! Ha!

  13. Your lamb is so cute! And I love that green wallpaper.


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