Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Easter Stitch and Garden Update

I started stitching Lizzie Kate's "A Little Gray Hare".  It is going along very quickly.  I am happy to stitch an Easter ornament though the finishing looks to be pretty challenging.

A rainy Tuesday is the perfect time to write about my weekend gardening exploits. I'm sharing my finds with the Tuesday Garden Party and the Maple Hill Blog hop.

While we've had some April Showers, we've also had a number of nice mild days - perfect gardening weather.

As often is the case I found lots of inspiration during a visit to Down to Earth.
Aren't these art poles just the coolest things?

This one had bird details - who could resist that? 

This stone bench was decorated with faux fossils. Very cool. 

And isn't this a pretty birdbath with the dragonflies as decorations?

Earlier in the year this vertical garden was planted with primrose.  Now it has been switched out to a variety of sedums for the spring and summer.

Once again we were blessed with a lovely sunny Sunday.  I spent the afternoon plowing through a list of garden chores.  I removed most of the pots of bulbs from the Front Porch as they had finished blooming.  

I still had two shelves of tender succulents in my greenhouse, and decided that it was time to let them live outdoors.  I am very pleased with how well they over-wintered.  Some have evening begun to bloom, like the plant on the far left.

Several of the plants in the front row are ready to bloom.  As this grouping is at the edge of the Back Patio, I applied a liberal dose of deer repellent in the hope of discouraging 'taste testing'.  

Lastly I potted up these five fuchsias. Last spring my sister gave me a gift  certificate at a fuchsia specialist nursery.  I need to take a census of my fuchsia survivors and place an order asap. 


  1. I just fell in love with the Little Gray Hare the first time I saw it, Beth, so I look forward to seeing yours progress!

  2. I hope the dear repellent works. Things are looking just wonderful in the plant department. We have turned to cool rainy weather so things have really slowed down and my favorite iris is full of a leaf fungus. I am afraid it won't be blooming as we have had to cut so much off.

  3. Oh, I love that dragonfly birdbath! Looks like a lovely place to visit. Enjoy your spring gardening! So glad you shared with us on The Maple Hill Hop!

  4. Wow those posts are bright! A great birdbath. Lovely progress on the L*K piece.

  5. I just completed the gray hare and the finishing scares me a little as well. I had to go buy some mat board and spray glue because I've never done a 'flat' finish before. Will be interesting.

    That bird bath!!


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