Wednesday, March 25, 2015

March is Gentle as a Lamb

The fox is done and I've decided that the lamb is next.
We'll hope that the month of March ends "Gentle as a Lamb".

While we had some rain and wind this weekend, most days this month have been Lamb Mild rather than Lion Fierce.  Good walking weather!

It turns out that this is a good week to look at Trilliums.

My sister has several nice groups of Small Flowered Trillium (Trillium parviflorum) in her Dahlia Garden.

Lots of signs of Spring where ever you look. Most of the shrubs are trees have fat buds.

The Grand Hound's Tongue (Cynoglossum grande) continues to bloom apace.

And in the wettest areas of our property the Corn Lilies (Veratrum californicum) are popping up.

The Cow's Parsnip (Heracleum maximum) is noticeably larger each time I walk by.

I was too late this year to see the small pink and purple violets.  These white ones are the last of the three to bloom.

The candles on the pines are in great health.  Take a moment to look at the highly patterned bark of the young tree.

From bud to bloom in just a week - our native Oregon Grape (Mahonia aquifolium). 

I do not know the name of this small shrub. I do know that it thrives along the banks of our seasonal creeks in dappled to deep shade. 

Take a moment to admire the vibrant green of the Osoberry leaves and their detailed veining.

Bright green Tree Moss (Leucolepis acanthoneuron . Despite its name it is more likely to be found on the ground, rotting logs, and tree bases rather than on the trees themselves.

I was pleased to see some Oregon Fawn Lilies (Erythronium oregonum). They will have a creamy white blossom, but for now I am content to admire their heavily mottled leaves.

The native Pacific Bleeding Heart (Dicentra formosa) is a pretty plant even before it blooms.

It won't be too long now until the first Blue Oregon Iris (Iris tenax) bloom. As these usually are finishing up at the end of May, it is clear that this mild winter has allowed them to bloom much earlier than usual. 

The Pacific Ninebark (Physocarpus capitatus) is leafing out. Later in the spring it will be covered with clusters of white flowers.  

I hope you enjoyed today's walk - we still have much to look forward to as March becomes April and April turns into May.   


  1. ooOoo! I cannot wait to see the Blue Oregon Iris. Cool.

  2. Gorgeous plants and flowers Beth. You must have a huge property! I am trying to see our small garden as an asset but to me it means it needs to be super tidy as any mess shows up.

  3. The lamb piece will be adorable, Beth, and fun to stitch, I'm sure :)

    Do the deer leave all of those flowering plants alone? I'm just amazed at all you have blooming as here the deer will eat just about anything except daffodils. We are very discouraged to the point of giving up on most of our gardening efforts...

  4. I so enjoy our walks! What a fabulous picture of the pine branch - mother nature is truly incredible!
    The fox and lamb pieces are great as is your November CGS piece.
    I saw my first Robin this morning!!

  5. That lamb is going to be adorable!

  6. That lamb is adorable Beth. I love all the designs in this series. Would you be interested in selling the charts or maybe lending them to me.


  7. Have you shown the fox finish? Am I losing my mind? :D You are lucky about March being gentle as a lamb so far. March came in like a lion around here. I'm hoping it's done with the lion part now. Knock on wood!

  8. Spring really is here. Thanks for the wonderful walk through your area. I need to get out and see if the wild terriliums are blooming yet. That white violet is so pretty!

  9. Your Lamb piece is lovely. It's not gentle as a lamb with us today, very blustery and quite chilly too. A wonderful walk, thank you.


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