Wednesday, February 18, 2015

A Wednesday Walk (No Snow!)

I cannot help myself!  I've started stitching one of the Brightneedle "Valentine" patterns.  The colors are great.

I thought with all the snow and ultra-cold temperatures most of the country is suffering from that a warm sunny walk might be want the doctor called for.

The cats prefer to bask in the sunshine so we'll walk without their company. 

A blue, blue sky!
The Oaks are beginning to set buds.

There is running water everywhere! I enjoy the sound of rushing water.

The Indian Plum or Osoberry (Osmaronia cerasiformis) leafs out... 

...and blooms all at once!

And the plants are blooming earlier than usual this year.
I am sure the Anna's Hummingbirds are thrilled.

The catkins are proof that the Hazelnuts are ready for Spring. 

I counted 5 different kinds of mosses and lichens on this tree.

The sun comes out and the turtles come out to bask!

The native Oregon Grape (Mahonia aquifolium)has green buds. The flowers will be yellow, and the fruit that follows is purple - thus the name Oregon Grape. 

I was surprises to see some of the Small Flowered Trilliums (Trillium parviflorum) this far along. 

Not so surprising - Pussy Willows!

I've walked by this tree several times this winter, but this is the first time I've noticed the nest.

Cow's Parsnip (Heracleum maximum) is popping up everwhere.  Some of the plants will be well over six feet tall.

A rotting log provides the host for mosses and lichens.  The red lichen is called Toy Soldier Lichen (Cladonia bellidiflora)I like all the colors and textures.

The Grand Hound's Tongue (Cynoglossum grande) will be one of the first wildflowers to bloom. 

No matter what your weather today, Spring is right around the corner!


  1. Lovely! You are blooming over there already. No fair.

  2. I don't blame you! I would have started the Valentine piece too.

  3. Aww, good for the turtles. I miss the sound of running water. We have a nice pond behind our house in the park. Our last home, we had a river at the back edge of our property. So nice to go back and watch fish swim, birds eat, and listen to the water.

  4. Spring is on the way! I love watching everything "come to life"!! Cute turtle--we have many in the creek by my house--they're so fun. Every once in a while, a large one will come lumbering across the yard, just looking around!!

  5. Beautiful photos Beth. I especially like the ones of the Indian Plum.

  6. Your post gives me hope that spring really will come again as we brace for below zero temperatures tonight. Sigh.

  7. I keep hearing that spring is right around the corner, but our frozen ground is still covered with over a foot of snow and the temps and wind chill is well below zero.

    Thanks for sharing your spring with us. I'm looking forward to seeing your Valentine stitches.

  8. Love your spring is coming post:)
    Awe the turtles...and what lovely new blooms you saw.
    love Annette

  9. I have no doubt Spring will come, tho for some it will be much earlier! I am ready!!

  10. Love your nature walks. A lovely chart to put a stitch or two in.


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