Sunday, January 4, 2015

Hummingbird Sunday

I am glad to say goodbye to the Cold Snap and so are the Hummers.

With mild temperatures the Hummers look long and sleek.

And they glisten in the sunlight.

On cold mornings they wear their heaviest of down coats...

...and all their feathers are plumped. 

I think it is amazing that a bird whose range was once entirely in California has extended north to British Columbia and hangs here all year.

Little and lonely having a drink

and a quick bath.

These active birds do spend lots of time watching and waiting.

Looking to the right

and straight ahead

and back to the right once again.

The small Maple tree near the peanut feeders is a favorite perch.

As it is also line of sight for a couple of hummingbird feeders.

Look at the gorget on the male Anna!

You can see why I never confuse him with the females.

I think that he's reminding the females that come spring, he's their man!


  1. Oh they are just so beautiful! The male Anna - wow, he looks good! I bet the ladies love him! What wonderful plummage. Thank you for always showing us your amazing bird photos, I always smile when your blog pops up in my feed as I know I am in for a treat. xx

  2. Thanks for sharing the beauty of your hummers!

  3. Wow, those pictures are amazing! What wonderful hummingbirds you have, that come and visit.

  4. I never cease to be amazed that those little guys can live through the cold snaps. Ours is gone too! I would much rather have a bit of rain than all that cold!

  5. Lovely pics of these little guys.
    So glad that you are seeing some sun. It has been very gloomy in NC.

  6. I must say, your bird pictures are always, always the most gorgeous shots!

  7. Those hummingbird colors are so vivid! I'm sure those girl birds swoon when the boys zoom by! HAHA
    Thank you for sharing!

  8. That male has quite the gorget! I did not see any birds today, but it might be because I got more seed, and changed things around... If none tomorrow, back to first plan! The black-capped chickadee was not--it was a carolina chickadee. I am learning... Hugs!


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