Friday, January 2, 2015

A Good Day for Birds!

We had a good New Year's Eve and New Year's Day, and hope you did as well.
It was a nice holiday for both cats and birds.

After seeing one Varied Thrush in the backyard on Tuesday,

I had three birds hanging out the next morning!  

And I was able to take better photos this time.

The Thrushes are the same size as American Robins.
Some folks confuse them with Towhees, but they are quite different as you can see in this photo.

I had two males. Note the dark line around the throat and through the eye.

Now compare that to the softer colors the female sports.  It is pretty easy to tell the males and females apart.

It was also a very busy time for the Sharp-shinned Hawk. The bird perched atop my peanut feeder, and then came tearing over the top of the house at lightening speed chasing after a Anna's Hummingbird of all things!  I could not tell if the bird was successful or not - I do hope not!

Here's a photo of Junior - I can still tell this youngster from the other adult males.

And I am pleased to have heard and then seen this Red-breasted Sapsucker working away on a large Douglas Fir.

Off to the right of the bird you can see a couple of nice newly drilled holes. 

And I got a photo of the male Hairy Woodpecker who has been around since Christmas Day.  Once again you can see the neatly uniform work of the Sapsuckers!

And we can't have a Woodpecker post without a lovely Flicker.

It has been a great time for birds.  And speaking of birds, how about those University of Oregon Ducks!  We enjoyed watching them stomp on Florida in the Rose Bowl!


  1. Very nice pictures today Beth. I love the first one of the cats. =)

  2. What great bird sightings, and pics! The Thrush is a very pretty bird.

  3. Love seeing all the birds! I do hope the hummer got away....

  4. Lovely bird post Beth. I do like your new header - very colourful.

  5. I love your new header...all I need is some real snow to go with it :)

    Lots of lovely bird photos. x

  6. When I heard 'The Ducks" won, I knew you would be cheering. I would think Hawks would just chase Hummingbirds for fun, not much to eat there. Let's hope I am right.

  7. Never mind the lovely birds, I love seeing the photo of your two lounging kitties! Oh the life of a cat!

  8. Beth, what great pictures of the thrushes! I always learn so much from your posts. Love the pictures of the woodpeckers. One day I hope to see a sapsucker! The little acorn is adorable!
    What a perfect picture of the cats!

  9. I have never seen the Varied Thrush, so I was delighted to see the photos of this beautiful bird as well as the others. Thanks for sharing.

    Pam in Kansas, USA

  10. Lovely pics. The varied thrush is handsome. The cats look happy!

  11. I always love the beautiful birds, but I really love those fluffy kitties!

  12. Great bird photos. We have only had a male varied thrush. The female is so pretty with the softer colors. I hope the hawk failed too!

  13. Great photos, such lovely markings.

  14. Started off with one, then bumped to three Varieds! Congrats! They know a good feeding ground when they find one!


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