Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Cold Cold Morning

I had hope to finish this series in 2014, but it looks as though I'll be finishing up November, as well as tackling December in 2015. 

We had a cold day Tuesday and today is to be colder still (low of 15F). I prepared in advance and moved 12 garden cart loads of plant into the garage and drained one of the fountains.  

When the temperature drops below 27F or so, I bring the hummingbird feeders in for the night. I bring them back out around 7:00am, and as you can see, I have customers waiting.

 As it is supposed to be below freezing the entire day, I'll rotate the hummingbird feeders every couple of hours so the 'juice' doesn't freeze. The Anna's Hummingbirds spent part of yesterday out of the wind, soaking up the warmth of the sun.

There was some stretching...

....and ruffling of feathers!

Such stalwart little birds in the cold, cold weather!

Yesterday was a pretty awesome bird day.

It started out early with this sighting of a male Varied Thrush.
My first sighting for the winter.  The birds often hang out with Robins, but this guy was in the company of several Stellar's Jays.

I wish I had better photos, but he stayed at the edge of the walkway.

Then when I went down to fill a feeder in the Dahlia Garden, I heard a group of about eight Bushtits. They are notoriously hard to photograph as they are rarely still - so this was my best effort.

The Acorn Woodpeckers are much easier to photograph. 

The one on the right has a peanut - will a Nuthatch nab it at a later date?  Stay tuned!


  1. I'm so glad you're finishing up this series, Beth--it really is perfect for you!! Love the turkey in this one.

    We're cold here, too--19. We've had just a trace of snow here this month and that is most unusual. Keep taking such great care of the birdies :) Love today's photos of the woodpecker and hummers!

    Oh, and HAPPY NEW YEAR!!

  2. Love the November design -- so what if you finish the series in 2015? You're going to finish, which is great! It must be hard for the hummers to keep warm in that cold weather. That varied thrush is beautiful -- love the pattern of his feathers. Great pics of all the birds!

  3. Oh Beth, I love the bushtit picture! It is currently 1 stinking degree outside! ack!

  4. Our hummingbird ( 1) goes south for the winter, I think he goes to South America. I guess our New England birds just like the warm weather. Love the thrush's colors. Happy New Year.

  5. That male thrush - so pretty!

    It's cold out, for sure. I even had trouble sleeping through last night I felt so cold! Had to find another blanket to add on!

  6. It's cold here too, although tomorrow it is all set to change.
    Beautiful birdy photos.

    Wishing you a wonderful 2015.

  7. Your November is beautiful! God Bless you for all that you do to help feed the precious birds. It's so cold here 31 degrees. I don't know how you manage colder temps.
    Wishing you every happiness for the New Year! love Annette

  8. That is a great series. The people at Valley House Primitives made a frame for my Word Plays and I can just slip one out and put the next month in. Just a suggestion. All the birds take a bit of extra attention in this cold. Last night we heard a loud noise coming from our deck where we feed the birds. Two nasty racoons had climbed up the posts(a second floor deck) For awhile, we will be bringing in the feeders at dusk when the birds are finished for the day.

  9. Mine will be finished in the new year as well ...
    it was -4 degrees going to work the other morning ....
    wishing you a wonderful stitchy new year ... love mouse xxxxx

  10. That is a lovely series ... I know you'll have it finished soon. Great pictures as always.. love to see all the beautiful birds! Happy New Year!

  11. This series is such beauty and if I didn't have so much stash on my shelves that I want to stitch I'd buy and stitch it as well. Maybe somewhen else.

  12. Ever since I've been reading your blog I've wondered something when seeing your hummers out in the winter. I didn't think any hummingbirds stayed in fall weather let alone winters freezing temperatures. Care to educate me on the subject. Your stitching is lovely.

  13. Good for you in taking such good care of the birds. I am sure the hummingbirds appreciate the feeders. It is very cold here now too.

    I like your finish!

  14. You got a lot of stitching done last year, and finishing that series in 2015 is perfectly acceptable! The Varied Thrush is such a pretty colored bird! Exciting! I moved the feeders over two days ago, so they are right outside my office... and tried to remember not to fly into my office, lest there be any birds on it and they see me. Yesterday, in the late afternoon, I came in and sat down, without looking--then remembered to look, and there was one little bird on the feeder! I was so excited! It was nearly dark, so I could not tell what it was... BUT, today I switched out the empty feeder for a thistle feeder, moved my screen over just in case I can get a shot with my camera, and I am READY! So, as I was typing this, I turned around, and there were THREE little birdies on the two feeders! I am going to need more seed!


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.