Saturday, December 27, 2014

Christmas Entertaining

We hosted a Christmas dinner for twelve.

My sister not only cooked the meal...

...she also set the tablescape....

...with a little help from the Cat Community. 

The cats took their entertaining duties very seriously.

Each year my nephews begrudingly willingly pose in front of the tree for their Annual Christmas Photo.
This year they gave a shout-out to the University of Oregon Football team. The Ducks will be playing in the inaugural College Football Championship Playoff Game at the Rose Bowl on New Year's Day.


  1. It's nice to see some members of your family. Wow, good for your sister for doing all that cooking and preparation!

  2. It looks like a wonderful Christmas celebration!! The table was just lovely.

  3. Oh so pretty! Looks like you had a splendid time!

  4. Your table looks so pretty. I love the plates!

    The boys are gorgeous too and my 2 are a bit like that for the annual kids, tree and presents photo.

  5. Your sister did a fabulous job with the table--love the place settings! I am sure the meal was great!

  6. Looks like a wonderful celebration!


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