Thursday, November 20, 2014

Short and Sweet

Life is taking me so many different directions lately that I've not had much time to devote to either stitching or bird watching.  
I did spend a bit of time working on Barrick Sampler's "Log Cabin Cat". As this is on 40 count linen it does not make for a very good 'travelling' stitch - I need to be at home, sitting still, and working on good strong light.

ON the birding front it seems that my daylight hours are spent away from home which precludes new photos.  I am pleased that the small flock of Pine Siskins continue to come to the feeders.

This weekend when I have more time to observe I'll be able to check the status of the Goldfinches. My hunch is that they have left the area.  At dusk the other evening in a very small Big Leaf Maple tree I watched not one, but two male Downy Woodpeckers as they talked and worked away.  I had long suspected that I had more than one Downy, but this was the first visual confirmation! 


  1. Beautiful start on the 40 ct--reminds me of the quilt pattern the lady and the lake

  2. Very pretty stitching! Hope you get lots of time for bird watching over the weekend.

  3. My "old" eyes are not so good with 40 ct. Good for you for working on that count.

  4. I enjoy using 40-count fabric but definitely need good light also! What a blessing to still have a flock of Pine Siskins! Yay!


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