Thursday, November 6, 2014

Around the World Blog Hop

Maggee over at a Stitching Devotee invited me to take part in the Around the World Blog Hop. So here it goes.

What am I working on?
I have about four projects in progress now. I've posted recent updates for Barrick Sampler's "Log Cabin Cat" and Mosey 'n Me's "Folk Art Cat"

I've also started stitching a Henzeit owl "Charmed: Stacked Halloween".

How does my work differ from others?
I doubt my work differs greatly from others, though my method of stitching probably does.  Being left handed, I learned to stitching looking at the pattern upside down.  I am now incapable of stitching holding the pattern right side up.  
So yes, I also stitch upside down working from the top left corner of the chart as is shown in the photo above. 

Why do I create (stitch) what I do?
Once in a while I stitch a piece as a gift for a wedding or new baby or some other special occasion.  Mostly though I stitch something that pleases me. It might be that I am in the mood to stitch several Noah's Ark patterns. Or it the color and style of a particular larger project has caught my eye.  Stitching allows me to 'create' with the aid of a pattern or template designed by someone who is truly gifted.    

 How does my creating (stitching) process work?
At the end of the year I come up with an Action Plan for the new year. As I like to mix things up I generally have a stitching theme that changes each month.  I sometimes also have plans to stitch a specific series during the year, and I may also have some UFO's that need attention.  But that over-arching plan is always subject to last minute changes and the whims of new stash purchases.

Would you like to be part of the Around the World Blog Hop next week? Comment or email me and I'll make an annoucement in a future post.   


  1. I am sorry Beth, I feel as dumb as a stump. I cannot wrap my mind around why you need to turn the pattern upside down? Would you enlighten me further please? I am rather intrigued.

  2. I'm stumped too as to why you work upside down. Love the project your working on. It was nice to learn a little more about you Beth.


  3. Fun post. I am trying to wrap my head around why you turn the chart upside down...

  4. I enjoy seeing what others are working on. Thanks for sharing.

    Pam L in KS

  5. Wait, wait, wait. Why did someone teach you to stitch with the pattern upside down? I don't get it and I am left handed for stitching. Though I do understand why you do it as an adult - it's just one of 'things' that is next to impossible to relearn when you are older. (See: learning to knit with my left hand. Nope. Can't do it.)

  6. Not being left-handed, I don't get the need to turn the pattern upside down, but I do know that my left-handed sister does everything backwards to the way I do it -- meaning she turns things 180 degrees from the way I have them. Does that make any sense? All I know is it used to drive me nuts when it was her week to do laundry, lol.

  7. I would guess you are going to need to explain that stitching method to us... I also cannot even picture how you stitch! Upside down I get, but the picture shows then stitching the top of the project and going up... Huh??

  8. I'm really impressed that you have an Action Plan for your stitching year! That is so organized, and what I dream of being one day!!! I guess that's why you have so many lovely stitching things to show us and to put in your header!!! Great idea!

  9. I've read all the around the world blog hop posts that I could find. There are so many stitchers out there and everyone is different in what they do and how they do it. And at the same time they all do the same - be creative.


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.