Monday, October 6, 2014

Owls and Hawks

Design - "Hoot"
Chart - "July" (#326)
Designer - The Cricket Collection
Fabric - 30 count Lucky Penny R & R linen
Fibers - DMC - 2 strands over 2 threads
Started - 1 October 2014
Completed - 3 October 2014 

The Cricket Collection is famous for her mitten ornaments. I stitched several back in the 1990's.  Recently the designer published a series of three Mitten Owls which struck my fancy.  The above is for the month of July - a Patriotic Owl I guess!   

With cooler temps and longer nights, some of us are settling in for a Long Winter's Nap!

For others, like this Steller's Jay,

and the Ceder Waxwings, it is business as usual. 

After disappearing into the forest for the summer, I was pleased to hear and then find a Varied Thrush singing away.

The dark band around the throat indicates that this is a male.

Closer still I found a female Varied Thrush, but she coyly hid from view. 

The Sharp-shinned Hawks are not hiding!

One comes by almost every morning looking for someone something to eat.

They are pretty brazen and let me get quite close.

This one is striding across the Big Woodpile where I set out sunflower seeds for the chipmunks.  See the seeds?

He is a pretty bird.

But he sure lights a fire under the chipmunks.

Saturday morning we had another Deer / Cat Face-off.
This time it was Solomon who thought he might take on Bambi!


  1. Solomon is a brave little fellow facing up to a creature who is so much bigger than he is.
    The hawk is a lovely looking bird - the feather markings down his breast are so bonny.

  2. Your bird and wildlife photos are always amazing! I love the kitty and deer together! Maybe they will become friends!!
    I remember those Cricket Collection mittens!! I always liked them! I wasn't aware that she had designed more. This patriotic owl is so cute!

  3. Such a cute finish! Hoot!

    That hawk is a pretty bird. Those predator eyes though!

    Is Solomon the one who looks like my Julius?

  4. Love the picture of the snoozy one. Shelby spent her weekend similarly tucked in the crook of my legs as I stitched. The cooler weather made me want to hermit too.

  5. Oh, that last photo is priceless, Beth--what a great shot!! And I love the ones of the hawk, too.

    Congratulations on your newest owl finish--he is very cute!

  6. Is the owl mitten a freebie? I have 3 GD that love Owls. Thanks for any info you can give me.

  7. Love the owl stitch -- so adorable! I love CEC. Great pics of that hawk. Wow. Bet the chipmunks would love to see less of him!

  8. The owl mitten is very cute. I love your photos of the cat and the deer-very funny! The hawk is a majestic bird!

  9. The Sharp-shinned Hawk is quite impressive. Are Solomon and Bambi as close to each other as they look in the photo? July Owl is so cute.

  10. So WHO won the faceoff between Solomon and Bambi?? Inquiring minds want to know... Hugs!

  11. Oh dear I see trouble!

    Beautiful bird photos, love the hawks. A great finish too.

  12. Poor chippys. Run away! Run away!!


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