Saturday, October 18, 2014

Feline in the Fountain

It's not just the birds who use our fountain.

Earlier this week Solomon decided to check it out.

Being a cat, he tip-toed around the edge...

...smelled the water.

And then decided the small pool atop the fountain...

...was worth a closer look. 

And it turned out to be the perfect Cat Drinking Fountain.

UPDATE: Our Solomon has been battling poor health for a year and a half now.  On Thursday afternoon he took a turn for the worst.  After a visit to the vet, we are on hold this weekend to see if massive doses of antibotics provide any sort of relief. Based on the outcome, we may well have a very difficult decision to make.  


  1. Oh Beth, I'll keep all my good thoughts for Solomon and hope that things improve with the antibiotics.

  2. Hope the meds work. I will be thinking of you .xxx

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. (((HUGS)))) hope they do work for him ... all paws are crossed for you and him mouse xxxxxx

  5. OH NO........I hope the antibiotics work.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. I hope Solomon gets better quickly and you have no hard decisions to make. He's a beautiful guy.

  8. Oh no, I know how very difficult that decision can be. I will keep you all in my thoughts this week-end and hope the medicine does the trick!

  9. Oh Beth, I am very sorry to read this of Solomon. I am praying for the dear guy.♥

  10. Salem, Spot and Trouble (and me) are all sending positive thoughts your way. I can't say that any of mine would have been brave enough to walk around a working fountain. They did have a fountain water dish for a while and loved it.

  11. I will keep my fingers crossed that the meds help!

  12. Oh Beth, I am thinking of you and Solomon and sending all good thoughts your way.


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.