Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Cat Stitch and Public Gardening

Design - "Cat Sampler"
Designer - Heart in Hand
Fabric - 32 count Summer Khaki linen
Fibers - WDW & GAST - 2 strands over 2 threads
Started - 4 September 2014
Completed - 8 September 2014

I like it and it was very well received by the Cat Crew...

...but then, being cats, they got tired and took a nap.

Another Tuesday has rolled around...

...and some of us are rolling around as well!

It's time for the Tuesday Garden Party and I have lots to share.
My theme this week is Gardening in Public. 
First up -  my sister's successful weekend at the Portland Dahlia Show.
Showing and exhibiting dahlias is a form of Public Gardening.

Majestic Kerkrade 
This dahlia won Best of Type - Best 'BB' Cactus.
It is an old variety (1977) and out of favor. My sister is the only one in Lane County growing it so she was really pleased that it won.

She also had two dahlias make it to the Head Table.

Best One Bloom Miniature in Show 

Joal Louisa 
Best One Bloom Waterlily in Show

And look at the wonderful ribbons she received!

This is another form of Public Gardening. 

The plants are set out around a commercial retail site - The Fifth Street Public Market. 

The plantings are fresh and dynamic and change throughout the year.  

Even the boutique hotel gets into the spirit! 

The city of Eugene sets out baskets...

...and large planters each spring in the downtown core area.
By September they are very lush and verdant.

Honestly, I do not think the baskets and planters are as nice as they have been in past years, but the color and effort is still appreciated.

The Japanese American Internment Memorial Garden is a small garden but one of my favorite public garden spaces.

Founded in 2007 as the Human Rights City Project, the garden pays homage to the 120,000 Japanese Americans who were forced to leave their homes and farms and live in internment camps during WWII.

The garden is a quiet contemplative spot right next to our performing arts center.


  1. Oh those fluffy coats and pink toes, so cute. The dahlias are beautiful - the power of blogging really does creep into everyday life Beth - I saw a dahlia garden when we went to Stirling a couple of weeks ago and I thought of you and your annual posting of your sister's gorgeous dahlias.

  2. Sweet stitch and your cat is so cute..
    Lovely flowers..hugs x

  3. Dahlia l♥ve!
    What a sweet kitty stitch.
    That is a lovely memorial garden.

  4. I love your cats' enthusiasm for the project! Congratulations to your sister!

  5. Love the cats and all the animals you show plus the birds. My question is what state does your sister live in with the dahlias? They are very beautiful my friend's husband here in Wisconsin is very much into dahlias. She can be very proud of the ribbons.

  6. Congrats to your sister on her dahlia wins. Such beautiful flowers! lol about the cats! They sure do love your finish! I do too!

  7. Lots of good things in this post. First, congratulations to your sister and her beautiful dahlias! I like the new cat stitch, especially the part where the cat is thinking of the fish bowl. Finally such beautiful public gardens. I think the NW does more with flowers in public places than anywhere else I have seen.

  8. Your completed cat piece is very cute! Congratulations to your sister on her beautiful dahlias! It's great that she won ribbons at the flower show!

  9. Congratulations to your sister. Beautiful blooms grown to perfection - a lot of dedication. One of my bosses grows gladioli to show, must spent hours tending them.

  10. Congrats on your sister's wins! The ribbons are phenomenal AND perfect for a flower show:)

    Very cute finish. Your cats could have stood in as the model, it's such a good match.


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.