Thursday, March 20, 2014

Greeting Spring

Design - "Snowdrop Placemat"
Designer - Marjolein Bastin
Magazine - "Stitcher's World" - March 1999
Fabric - 28 count Light Mocha Cashel
Fibers - DMC - 2 strands over 2 threads
Started - 11 March 2014
Completed - 19 March 2014

The scan does not do this stitch justice.  It is a very pretty in the style of botanical prints.  I quite like it.

It's a mild day.  Time to take a look outside.

The Osoberry (Oemleria cerasiformis ) shrubs continue to flower. 

The Oregon Fawn Lilies (Erythronium oregonum) are popping up.

Here's an extra early one in bloom. See why we call them Lamb's Tongues?

This is Pussy Willow time.

Almost over night the Star-flowered False Solomon's Seal (Maianthemum stellatum) has come forth and budded out. 

The Oregon Grape (Mahonia aquifolium) will bloom soon too.

The flowers turn into pretty blue berries in the fall.

This plum tree is amazing!  It was full of insect pollinators.
And there were two Hutton's Vireo flitting about eating the pollinators.

The Grand Hound's Tongue (Cynoglossum grande) is blooming.

Bright bright bright green Cow's Parsnip (Heracleum maximum). As kids we used the dried stocks as swords to fight one another.  They were very brittle and broke easily, so we did not inflict any kind of injury!

And now the Small Flowered Trilliums (Trillium parviflorum) have appeared.

I love the big mottled leaves.

They tend to be a clumping Trillium too which makes for a nice display.

I saw lots of birds on my walk - I'll post about them tomorrow.


  1. Such a pretty walk. So green! No green here yet.
    Any plans for the Snowdrop you stitched?

  2. Such a pretty walk. So green! No green here yet.
    Any plans for the Snowdrop you stitched?

  3. That snowdrop is gorgeous! And I love all the bunnies in your header.

  4. Oh my goodness, what a lot of lovely flowers "springing" up! I particularly love those fawn lilies.

    Happy Spring, Beth!

  5. Thanks for all the lovely greens in those photos! I love the snowdrop. So pretty.

  6. What a great botanical from Marjolein Bastin! I love her stuff. I did the year long commitment of stitching the four season piece....

  7. Nice to see so many signs of spring!

  8. I needed a walk to see all your signs of spring today! The Snowdrop stitch looks great.

  9. there are quite a few in the snow drop series I seem to recall .. it is soo pretty and delicate ... love the heart too from the other day and nice to see all those new birds as well ... catching up as always ... hope all is well over your side of the pond :) love mouse xxxxx

  10. Aww I love the sweet
    Happy spring to you dear friend x

  11. Love that stitchery piece! Beautiful pics from your walk too!


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