Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Fair Daffodils

Design - "Fair Daffodil"
Designer - Blackbird Designs
Fabric - R & R 18th Century Rook linen
Fibers - GAST - 2 strands over 2 threads
Sentiment - 1 strand over 1 thread
Started - May 2011
Completed - 10 March 2014

Cheers for me!  I finished up a WIP.  I set this aside for over a year as stitching over one on very dark linen was a real struggle for me.  I finally took the chart to a copier and greatly enlarged it - that and use of a highlighter helped me keep on track.  The rest of the stitch was very straight-forward and a nice reward for plowing through the over one stuff.

And it turns out this is a pretty timely stitch too as the daffodils have begun to put on their annual show. 

This clump is very ragged. Remember the group of 10 turkeys?
One or more of the hens 'trimmed' off most of the blossoms as they strolled by.  I found several snipped off laying on the ground.

Fortunately we still have lots to enjoy!

In the flowerbeds and in pots.

So cheerful.


Some of the clumps are quite large.
They probably should be divided in the fall and replanted.

The display will continue for several weeks yet.

These are down by the Big Bird Feeder.
Do you suppose the quail enjoy them?


  1. THe BBD Daffodils are beautiful - such a striking piece. Ans I am totally in love with all your daffodils outside. I planted about 120 bulbs last Fall and I'm anxiously awaiting their arrival. Daffodils just scream Spring is here! Love it.

  2. So great,this post about daffodils, stitched ones and real ones. They are my favourites in the spring and I can't wait to see them around here. Congratulations on this beautiful finish.

  3. I, too, adore daffodils and I am soooo jealous of yours. Your stitching is wonderful - a beautiful piece.

    We are expecting A LOT of snow tonight :-(.

    Springs seems so far away around here. (S.e. Michigan)

  4. I love your latest finish - well done with the light threads over one on dark linen. I can imagine that would be a challenge. I have trouble with over ones on a good day!

    Your daffodils are looking great. Ours are not out yet. And while out in the sun yesterday checking out the backyard I found many of my potted bulbs have been raided and made some wild thing very happy!

  5. I find that piece striking! So many gorgeous blooms.

  6. Cheers to you, indeed!! Love the daffodils on the linen and in the garden. Hope mine pop out soon. :D

  7. What perfect timing for this latest finish, Beth--it looks fantastic on that dark linen :)

  8. ohhh the piece is gorgeous ...love the colour of the fabric and we have daffodils everywhere too :) love mouse xxx

  9. I LOVE your finish!!!! I LOVE daffodils!!! OMG. I need some. I was happy just finding some actual ground in my yard today instead of snow. lolol!

  10. WooHoo on your finish! You have so many beautiful daffodils! We've got yet another snowstorm moving in tonight with 10+ inches predicted.

  11. I love all your daffodils, both the stitched ones and the real ones. They are really starting to bloom up here. I always buy the ones for my kitchen at the super market, I just can't seem to cut the ones in the yard. Maybe I need your turkeys.

  12. Congrats on finishing a old wip. Absolutely beautiful finish Beth! Love the linen you stitched on too.
    The daffodil plants are incredible and so full.
    love Annette

  13. Beautiful finish! Your daffodils are so sweet ~ it will be a bit here yet before I see mine!

  14. Congrats on finishing! I never get enough of these guys. I can't keep bulbs to save my life. There is always someone eating them up. They'll make it through one season but then be eaten before another spring comes along. :(

  15. WHOO HOOO! Perfect timing! And gorgeous gorgeous finish!


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