Saturday, February 8, 2014

Lots More Snow

As the snow fell Friday, I was inspired to stitch "Cardinal Sampler" by Twisted Threads.

Parvati enjoyed watching all the birds on an extremely snowy Friday. 

I think I had over two dozen Starlings.

The snow began in earnest around 7:30am and did not let up until 5:00pm.

My Acorn Woodpeckers were less than thrilled to have the Starlings hanging about.

The Flickers felt the same way and chose to work on suet cakes the Starlings could not access easily.

Snow is so very pretty and the world so quiet as it falls.

After ignoring my feeders in the backyard for most of the Winter, the House Finches decided to make use of them Friday.

I hads more Oregon Juncos than any other bird.

With a covering of snow, the young Douglas Fir trees make perfect Christmas trees.

And look who came to the front feeders on Friday after a two week hiatus!
My Yellow-rumped Warbler!

Such a brightly colored little cutie!

We ended up with over 8" of snow.

That turns my California Quail into... avian snowplows!
See how the snow flies as this male runs to the feeder.

The snow also creates interesting sculptures of mundane objects.
My Ali-baba fountain looks like something that belongs in a Zen-inspired garden.

Around 6:00pm on Friday the snow turned into freezing rain.  I am so glad I don't have to go anywhere today!


  1. Yikes! What weather. That close up of the warbler is adorable.

  2. I'm so sick of this winter. I know you all need this snow so it's good news in some sense. Stay inside and enjoy those birds at your feeders!

  3. Beautiful pictures...the snow is pretty but I have had my fill this winter...not that my opinion counts as we have snow in the forecast twice in the next week...stay warm!

  4. Looks like you have a good start on your cardinal piece. The bird pictures are great. I agree with Margaret, we are all sick of this winter weather!!

  5. I just discovered your blog today, and I'm so thrilled! I live in Vegas and how I miss the snow and all the wildlife. I design quilts for a living and my friends got me into cross stitching a couple of years ago. You are a true inspiration!!

  6. Stay safe in all that snow - perfect weather for stitching :-)

  7. I do love the way the trees look all covered in white but I'm ready to see grass again -- even if it's brown! I'm glad you got more precipitation to help ease your drought. Those darn Starlings are always in large groups here too.

  8. I love your new stitch plus the bird photos are amazing. The Warbler is so pretty. I remember how much my Dad detested starlings!!Stay warm and safe. We haven't seen a drop of snow. It has all gone south of here so far.

  9. Beautiful photo's as always, your daily birds posts are great, I love to watch your birds, our garden is so wet, we do not see many birds, just the thugs (Starlings).

  10. Our weather forecast has snow and freezing rain in store for us this week. Ugh. Guess I better refill the feeders!

  11. Everything looks so pretty after a newly fallen snow. Of course, we're getting more of the white stuff today--what else?? Sigh...

    Love those quails--I sure wish I could see one in person!! I look forward to seeing your Cardinal Sampler all finished up, Beth--haven't seen that one before.

  12. Lots of snow! So glad that you and the cats are snug and warm and the birds have lots to eat :)

  13. That Warbler is so pretty. Colorful.. Love the Cardinal Sampler you started. The birds are all so pretty in that Snow.. Love how that Quail is a snowplow.. lol making a run to all those feeders. I stitched today,, all day and now my arm is hurting from holding my q snap..

  14. Great progress on the Cardinal Sampler. Love the photo of the finches on your bird feeder.

  15. Mini Avian snowplows--ha! Great description! The Warbler almost looks like it posed for you! Look forward to seeing finishes soon... especially the cardinal sampler, which I KNOW you will finish in a blink! Hugs!

  16. Beautiful photos ~ love the one of Parvati!


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