Thursday, February 20, 2014

A New Olympic Sport

Design - "2003 Collector's Heart" (kit)
Designer - Heart in Hand
Fabric - 32 count Summer Khaki Belfast linen
Fibers - GAST - 2 strands over 2 threads
Started - 16 February 2014
Completed - February 2014

With my efforts to place Johnson and Charlie in a new home, I've become very aware of the need for folks with Kind and Caring Hearts!

Have you been watching the Winter Olympics?
The cats at home and the cats here have been engaged in a ferocious competition in their favorite Olympic sport:

Synchronized Sleeping!

First up the brother and sister team of Padma & Parvati.

They seem to have the moves down pat.

Next up, the sister team of Charlie and Johnson.

This back-to-back move has a degree of difficulty and inherent trust that cannot go unappreciated!

Which team do you think brought home the Gold Medal?


  1. Lovely stitching and funny cats!!

  2. Oh, it is close, but I have to go with Padma and Parvati. ;)

  3. That's so funny - Synchronized Sleeping, what a grand idea! They all seem to be doing pretty well!

    Love the little stitched heart!

  4. The gold medal has to go to the sisters in the last photo - back to back. It made me smile the most:-)

  5. Really like the heart!!! I want a cat but my 3 Japanese Chins might be too much for any cat!!

  6. I think it may be a tie for GOLD!

    Great pictures and beautiful stitching!

  7. Oh bless those little kitties, they're adorable! A bit like the heart which is also adorable :)

  8. lol! I love both teams! So cute! What a great post! Kitty power. :D

  9. Those cats are the smart ones!!! No broken bones, no multiple surgeries!

  10. They get 10's across the board for being cute and cuddly!

  11. The heart is really cute and I think it's a tie between kitties.

  12. Too sweet I think its a tie for all of them - lol.
    Lovely sampler you stitched - perfect timing.
    love Annette

  13. :) That made me smile!
    I don't know about a gold medal...since I've been sick for a month with the flu and now a head cold, I've been doing my fair share of sleeping too, but I don't have a partner, but if I did...I would be a gold medal threat for sure :)

  14. I love the latest finish with the wine colored heart. I think it's very different! And the kitties are really cute, also.


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.