Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Welcome Rain

I figure I have time to start a couple more snowguys before the month ends. I chose "Old Man Winter" as he seems to be the guest who has outstayed his welcome in many parts of the country.

As for here, I am pleased to have it raining. The last time it rained was back on January 12th.   

The rain did not seem to impact feeder attendance.
My little Downy showed up. 

As did the Starlings (grrrr!)

Interestingly the male Acorn Woodpecker spent some quality time at one of my suet feeders.  That's a first (at least as far as my personal observation goes).  In that past the Acorns have been all about peanuts, peanuts, and yet more peanuts.

Hey look!  It's a Marshmallow Bird Bushtit!

I was in the backyard about 4pm and I heard the flock flying in from a young stand of Douglas Fir trees.  I ran back into the house and looked out the dining room window. Within a few seconds they were at the Bark Butter feeder.  I think there are about 10 birds total. 

Still not very good photos as it was a low-light situation that late in the afternoon.  And once again they only stayed for a minute or so before moving on. 

My pretty little female Oregon Junco was much more accommodating.

She held her pose long enough that I was able to focus the camera so that even her dark gray eyebrow feathers are visible!


  1. Good thing you were quick in getting the camera!
    I appreciate the female Junco's little eyebrows. And she doesn't even have to get them done! ;)

  2. I love your header with all the sweet stitched snow people. :) Love capturing the birds whenever I can. A few weeks back I came home to hear tap tap tapping on our sliding glass door and there were a whole bunch of sparrows enjoying our potted plants. So sweet! Best wishes to you, Tammy

  3. Come now, starlings aren't all that bad. We have a few they eat suet for a while and then leave. While the flocks of sparrows and nuthatches and chickadees in two days can empty an entire feeder (a party feeder
    that "seats" at least 8-10 comfortably. Then there is the mourning dove that sits in one feeder and just sits there..... I had a flicker at my suet feeder this morning. I was excited!

  4. That is going to be a really cute project Beth! I have not seen anything flying around yet...after all, there are ten inches of snow on the ground, except where it drifted to probably two feet! I might post pictures on my blog today! It's the below freezing temps that worry me. If the sun melts any of the snow, the temps will just turn it to ice! Very dangerous! But no sun yet. Hugs!

  5. Love the new start. Great bird photos, as usual. We have been overrun with Juncos the last few days - they are cleaning out every feeder and even taking over the suet! Almost ready to chase them out (even though they are very cute).

  6. Yep, Old Man Winter is definitely not leaving anytime soon.

    Glad to see you're having some rain. I hope you get enough rain to help with your drought.

    The female Oregon Junco is so sweet. Love those eyebrows and her colors!

  7. I love the soft color of the female Oregon junco. We also had some very welcome rain today!

  8. Wow, so many birds at once! Love that pic! Glad it rained for you -- hope it was a soaker since it sounds like you need it. Nice stitching too!

  9. winter can leave where we are any time now, but I am not complaining, just commenting!! ha!!!!
    I saw a robin a few weeks ago & people thought I had lost my marbles....nope! Really did see one!!!
    Love your bird pix.....the woodpeckers always amaze me & those 'marshmallow birds' are adorable!


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.