Thursday, January 16, 2014

Leaves and Bushes

What with Christmas and the holiday rush, my current WIP has languished unattended for several weeks now.  I picked up "Fair Daffodil" once again, and was able to crank out several of the leaves.  Two or three more stitching sessions and this ought to be finished.

That takes care of the leaves, now on to the bushes...  

I had a FLOCK of new birds on Tuesday! 
As I returned to the house from my walk, I was so pleased to see a group of tiny Bushtits gathered near the Front Porch.

Eight of the small gray birds swarmed one of my suet feeders.
I moved this feeder to hang under the eves of the porch.  The area is a bit more protected, so perhaps they feel safe there.

A bit later in the afternoon the Bushtits decided to check out my new Bark Butter feeder.  

Ironically Bush Tits are more numerous in urban areas than rural pieces of property.  I've been quite envious of a friend in town who has a resident flock of Bushtits.  

The birds forage in flocks of up to 50! They eat insects, but will also eat seeds and berries...and visit suet feeders. 

They are only 4" long and a lot of that length is the tail.

Notice how their tiny feet (claws) are able to find hold on the smooth cedar feeder.  Welcome birds - I hope you come by often!

File:Psaltriparus minimus 03647.JPG
This image is a file from Wikipedia Commons.
I'd love to find a Bushtit nest. They are constructed using mosses, lichens, and spider webs.  The nests are up to a foot long with an entrance near the top.  They are hanging nests - usually less than 10 feet above the ground. As you can see, they are quite extraordinary. Goodness knows we certainly have all the nesting materials the birds need!


  1. What cool little birds!! I really like the daffodil piece too!! Name & designer?
    I think I need to send a contribution to your bird seed bill!! Lol

  2. Oh another cute bird to nestle (mentally) in the palms of my hands. Lovely photos!

    I like your stitched daffodils too! Cute design.

  3. Boy that sure is a sweet bunch of birds! And your Fair Daffodils looks fabulous!

  4. That's so cool that you have some bushtits! So interesting too. And I love your daffodils piece so far!

  5. Cute little birds, but WOW! 50 at a time?! They'd wipe out a feeder full of suet in no time.

  6. Beth, they are so tiny and cute! I have never seen Bushtits before - 4" is really tiny! I think they should take your advice and build a house on your property!

  7. I've always liked the Fair Daffodil piece and the sentiment. I look forward to seeing your finish.

    The bush tits look very sweet. They remind me a bit of New Zealand's North Island Robin, in size and shape.

  8. Great progress on Daffodils! How neat to have a whole group of those little Bushtits! I hope they hang around so you can include them on the GBBC!

  9. I love daffodils a lot because once they start blooming up here I know that spring has finally arrived. Besides the occasional snowfall of course, lol.

  10. Lovely daffodil WIP, Beth! The birdies must be a very peaceful bunch for that many to gather at once to feed!

  11. Beautiful bird pictures as always, Beth. We have bushtits that frequent our garden and feeders--they come in swarms and like to hang out in our bay laurel tree, or sometimes the big butterfly bush in our backyard.

  12. I know it is the winter SAD, but each post I read, I want to go out and set up feeders!!


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