Saturday, January 25, 2014

Friday Was Frosty

The morning low Friday was 24F.  
As the sun rose through the trees, the world was white and sparkling.

The moon was reluctant to leave...

The hazelnut brush showed an alabaster hue.

The chocolate bracken ferns were coated with frost-white ganache.

The sunlight danced....

...and everything shimmered.

The gold-crowned sparrows...

...and the juncos were the first visitors to the feeders.

This song sparrow lived up to its name. 

It greeted the new day with an effervescent melody.


  1. Great bird pictures. I always enjoy them.

  2. Wow, you always get so much frost! Makes for gorgeous pictures, I must say!

  3. Your frosty morning looks beautiful and would be a heatwave for us today. I sound like a broken record! Love the birds too.

  4. Great wintry pictures, the dusting of white snow is so pretty :)

  5. You photographs...what can I say, I love them.

  6. Everything looks so pretty in the frost except the poor cold birds!

  7. Not hearing any birds greeting my mornings yet... Can't wait tho! The ice is melting today and hopefully will clear out before the next blast comes through! Enjoyed!


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