Friday, January 31, 2014

Back to France - Purchases Anyway

Believe it or not, I'm still putting away and organizing stuff items I bought while in France and the U.K. this past summer.  Yesterday I tackled my "Dump Everything On It and Walk Away" Ikea table in the craft room.  I unearthed some lovely things I wanted to share. All of these stitching goodies were purchased in Paris: four scissors, polka dot linens, slate blue linen, Danish thread, and three fun seasonal ribbon bands.    

The cat / deer encounters continue...
"Oh, I'll ignore that deer..."

"Or maybe I'll give her a look-see!"

Last year's fawns are still awfully cute!

And the does are still pretty protective!

Not much new in the way of bird action to report.  My Chestnut-backed Chickadee was hanging out at the backyard feeders last evening.  I haven't seen my Yellow-rumped Warbler or Black Phoebe in several days. 
Birds come, birds go!  (That's what Tom-Cat says!)


  1. Oh, rediscovering French goodies is great fun. Looks like some wonderful, sweet goodies.

  2. I still have lots of Parisian shopping from different years stashed away - I think now I'll have to go and dig up some just for the fun of it :-) Enjoy yours too. Great pics of the cat and deer.

  3. It's so much fun to look at purchases made on a trip. I like your choices, the ribbons are so neat.

  4. Love all those polka dots! That's one thing Maggie and I have in common--we can't resist a polka dot.

  5. Ack! Such adorable stash!
    I would have gone crazy in those stores, for sure.

  6. Love the stash! And the best part of this stash is you'll remember where you got it from. Very special! lol about the deer/cat standoff.

  7. Those deer are spoiled... Wasn't it exciting to have gone to France and gotten needlework stuff? You have momentos of a fabulous trip! Hugs!

  8. It is like you are getting them all over again!

  9. Wonderful new STASH! Do you have any specific project ideas for the linens and ribbon bands?

  10. Wonderful stash. It must prolong the enjoyment not putting them away until now. :)

  11. Hi Beth: Wow, beautiful scissors from Paris! And so funny the cats and deer--it's predetor and prey, but sometimes they forget who is who :) I've been super busy with a play I'm in, so haven't been visiting blogs as much, but will try to drop in as I can.


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.