Thursday, December 19, 2013

A Brand New Stitch, A Brand New Bird

I've made the smallest of starts on another ornament from The Prairie Schooler's "Nordic Holiday" chart.  You can probably figure out which one. 

While walking by the mixed forest near Dorothy's Creek the other day, I heard the faint high pitched sound of this bird.  

It took me a while to locate the small birds as they endless flitted about in the trees.

They are tiny things - the same size as a hummingbird, though a bit more stout.

Their constant movement as they gleaned for insects made getting a photo or two a real challenge. 

Who are they?  
They are Golden-crowned Kinglets. 
The small birds range from south-eastern Alaska, east to Newfoundland and south to Guatemala.  They bred in conifer stands, but spend winters in mixed forests.  I found them among a stand of ash, cottonwood, oak, and fir.

This is by far my best shot.  
You can clearly see the identifying white stripes around the eye and the bright yellow stripe atop the head.

If you'd like to hear what a Golden-crowned Kinglet sounds like click the link here and  you will find an audio file of its "typical voice". My birds were very quiet and turn the volume down rather than up to listen to something resembling what I heard.


  1. Shucks. The link didn't work. I love that you can recognize a bird by how it sings. Lovely birds -- you know so much! Love the new stitch too!

  2. Lovely start on the new ornament. I love this series of ornaments!

  3. Oh golly, you know what I just did this morning at 6 a.m.? I was going through all of my Prairie Schooler charts pulling santas and christmas charts to put in one of my project envelopes. I swear next year I am having a Santa tree with all PS ornaments. Oh golly I did it now...I swore and I gotta follow through! I'm in trouble...

  4. What a sweet little bird. I stitched one (Victoria Sampler Button Up Birdies) but I've never seen one.

  5. Oh, a new bird--how exciting!! He is awfully cute :) And your newest start is looking good, Beth.

  6. I love that new bird - he's so cute! You did very well with the photos!

  7. Fantastic to have a new bird visiting - I've never heard of them before. Your last photo really shows the markings and the "gold crown".

  8. One of my favorite ornament series from PS. Cute little bird and really good photos given their tendency to flit.

  9. He is just an adorable little thing! You have such good ears and eyes to find them. I'm going to have to get some Prairie Schooler charts to start in the new year!

  10. How wonderful to spot a new bird! Great start on your PS too.

  11. What a very sweet little bird. tThe other day I was near a forest and I saw similar birds. I was not ever able to get a good shot of one. They scampered around so much. I'm not sure they were these little birds.

  12. Wow! A new bird! I know I try to find birds when I hear them chirping, but it IS difficult to photograph them when they flit so quickly! The pictures are beautiful! And you have a great start on the next ornie!

  13. What a sweet little bird! Love the new start!


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