Thursday, November 14, 2013

Spike Came By

On Wednesday, with the aid of good, strong light, I managed to stitch over one "weep to see you..." and yes, the frog visited me while I stitched.
I still have "hasten away so soon" to stitch - probably two more sessions will be needed to do it.

What else could I name this year-old buck, but Spike?!

He is not very big at all...

..not nearly as large as a mature doe.
Nonetheless he was the alpha of the group of three which included a doe and fawn.  They gave him wide berth.

I think he looks rather sweet.  That big brown eye-thing going on.

Lots and lots of quail the last few days.

They stick pretty close to the thicket for safety's sake.

You can see that the guys are a prettier blue-gray than the gal on the right.

This poor gal had three males trailing her.  Can you image what her life will be like come spring?

With cold, foggy mornings, everyone puffs up.


  1. Well done! Thank you for sharing lovely pictures.

  2. Love your stitches ~ but your lovely nature pics take the cake! You are blessed to see such sights everyday!

  3. Love your photos. That Spike is one handsome fellow. I can't resist teasing you, though, about your typo after the second quail picture - or have you actually taught them to cross stitch with you?!

  4. Sweet stitches...
    Beautiful photos..
    Hugs x

  5. Spike is so handsome- the big browns definitely have it.

  6. Yeah, I was just going to say the quails look puffier than usual. Wearing their puffer coats! Gorgeous colours!

    Spike and his doe-eyed charm? He's a handsome fella.

  7. Bummer about frogging. Love the youngling though. And the puffed up quail. :D

  8. What a handsome deer! Those words look difficult to stitch but you have done a great job. They look very well done.

  9. keep popping in to see what you are up to and boy are those needles flying :)
    lovely to see your sister and you both getting necessary jobs done ... can you come here and do mine now please
    in the middle of re organizing the craft room !!!! so no time for anything else and its Harrogate Knitting and Stitching show next Thursday so have got to get done love mouse xxxxx

  10. Hahaha....still chuckling about "can you imagine what her life will be like come spring.." :)
    Your stitching is coming along! Not far now! Go! GO! GO! Rah rah rah!!

  11. I'm thinking Bambi visited you. I love the puffed up Quail.

  12. The quail are so cute! I wish I would find some around us, I would love to get a picture of them. We have lots of deer...


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