Saturday, November 2, 2013

Rainy Weekend

The prettiest trees in the forest right now are the cherries.

Green, and gold, and orange and bronze.

I don't recall ever having this many birds at the peanut feeders before.
Is it a sign of a hard winter?

The Flickers are omnipresent.

I put up this smaller feeder for the Chickadees and Juncos...

...but Mr. Flicker likes it just fine.

It is supposed to be a rainy weekend.  A good weekend for hermitting and stitching!  


  1. Good morning, Beth! It is (and has been all night) pouring rain. So much so that it lulled me to a very deep sleep and it was hard to get up!

    Love the new blog header. Seeing the Autumn piece in the upper right makes me want to stitch it!

    Enjoy being snug inside!

  2. Hi Beth, I originally started reading your blog for the stitching, but I now find myself looking forward to the birds as much as to the stitching. :)

  3. Great pics! Here's to a relaxing weekend :)

  4. It's rainy here too - very much autumn weather.

  5. The cherries are looking so pretty. We have had a wind storm last night and this morning. Most of the leaves are now down. Mr. Flicker is very persistent!

  6. We actually had some blue sky peeking through the clouds today, but it is still windy and quite cool.

    Beautiful pics!

  7. Love the fall color, and the birds too of course. I hope all the business at your bird feeder doesn't mean a hard winter....

  8. I guess the flicker is storing up...Today my sister and I were walking and she said because of the crows flying overhead, it was going to be a long, snowy winter. Then she mentioned she only needs to see a woolie to know for sure! ha! Just what we were discussing! It was a cloudy morning here then sunny then cloudy again, but pleasant temps (73-ish)... no complaints. Got a walk in! Yay!


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