Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Owls Again & Some Chickens Too

Design - "Owl"
Chart - "Stitch an Inch - Winter"
Designer - By the Bay Needleart
Fabric - 32 count Winter Sky Lakeside linen
Fibers - DMC - 1 strand over 2 threads 
Started - 8 November 2013
Completed - 9 November 2013

Yep, I'm back to owls again.  This little one was a quick stitch.  It took far longer to back stitch / long stitch all the branches than to cross stitch the owl.

Yesterday I went to Down to Earth to buy a few sedums and a couple of more pansies and some suet for the birds.

As usual I found interesting and unique gift ideas too.

Felted items are becoming main-stream it seems.

Did you ever think to decorate with owls for Christmas?

Owl gourd ornaments

Fiestaware in autumnal colors 

Crazy Christmas glass ornaments - I kinda' liked the grasshoppers.

Oh, and owls as well!

Owls here, owls there, owls everywhere.

A very cool piece of garden art.
The different tiers move in the breeze.

And if you like chickens rather than owls...

There were some pretty cool chicken decorations too!

Or, for a total change of pace, this nice big frog would look great in the garden.


  1. What a great place to window shop! If I had any extra to spend ~ that place would be dangerous!! Isn't it funny how cyclical things are in life? I remember when owls and mushrooms were big back in the 70's!

  2. What a great looking shop! (and your owl too!)

  3. Beth, your owl is too cute! Down to Earth looks like an amazing place. My best friend has an amazing collection of vintage fiestaware that she uses everyday. Have a great day!

  4. What a store!! I am having enough of the frogs right now thanks!

  5. Aww sweet owl...
    Very pretty store..
    Big hugs x

  6. Cute owl finish. They are amazing birds. What a great store to wander in!

    ps Is it raining cats and dogs at your place? It is here this morning! Cozy!

  7. I have one of those gourd owl ornaments, so yes I have thought of decorating for Christmas with owls. :-) That shop looks fabulous, and I need the frog for my sister. The woman they bought their house from, left all her frog garden ornaments, and my sister left them ironically.

  8. OMG. I need to go there. Seriously.

  9. That is one wise looking owl :) And I love that store--I think my wallet would take a big hit if I stumbled upon that place!

  10. Piękne rzeczy! Bombki koniki polne -widzę pierwszy raz :)

  11. Fun shopping trip! Love the stitched Owl too!

  12. I love all the owls, including yours. What a terrific store. I could spend some serious money there!

  13. Not a big fan of that back stitching either! A gal at work has an owl gourd and I love it! Have not seen them around here yet--she got it from someone in the Midwest or Arizona or something... Like that big old froggy! Hugs!

  14. Owls must be on trend this year.

  15. The variety of owl stuff you have had on your blog lately is amazing. It's awesome.


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