Saturday, November 23, 2013

A Second Cold Morning

As it turned out we did have a low of 19F on Friday morning.

It was a cold and a frosty morning.

All the trees were coated with frost.

I think Padma looked like a Siberian Cat on patrol.

The ferns were white with frost...

...the Queen Anne's Lace...

...the Teasel...

...and the blackberries are were lined with a coating of frost.

The cold morning temperatures made for some puffy 'hunkered down' cats.

And all the birds had on their heavy down jackets!
The Steller's Jay...

the Junco...

and the Golden-crowned Sparrow.

Here's a female Junco.  She's all downy too.  You can see the feathers on her head are a much lighter color than the male (2 photos above).  

As soon as I put out the nectar feeder I had a customer!

Notice how puffed up the Anna's Hummingbird is.
I don't think I've ever observed the white downy feathers on the rear of a bird before. (Guess his bottom was cold!)

Even the deer looked like they had on extra-heavy coats.
Friday night / Saturday morning is supposed to extremely cold once again.

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  1. That really IS cold! Looks like Padma is ready for hunting in the cold with that fur coat she's got! Lovely photos.

  2. Hi Beth! I am confused about the hummingbird still being by you? I would have thought it would move on to warmer parts by now?

  3. Your hummingbirds stick around even in the cold weather?

  4. Beautiful morning!! I can't believe you still have hummingbirds!

  5. I love the cold frosty weather - we've had a few days like this already. Someone told me that this winter is to be the worst on record - I hope they're wrong.

  6. There's just something about a hard frost sparkling in the sunlight! It's pretty darn cold here too.

  7. I can't believe how cold you are! I hope it's not going to be a bad winter this year. :(

  8. That could have been my yard minus some of the wonderful wild life and kitties. Your bird pictures are so pretty. I never saw that white on the hummingbird.

  9. The first signs of winter! Pretty pictures, especially the one of Padma :)

  10. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  11. Beautiful photos. We are having our second "Artic express" of the season and the birds are not impressed with the 30 degree temperature swings! I can't say I am either and am not happy if this trend continues through the winter.

  12. Everyone is surprised about the hummer! Your kitties look very well prepared for the cold weather... all fluffy. But the deer is my fave here... definitely fluffed! Hugs!

  13. I love to see the frost on nature as long as I'm indoors.


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