Wednesday, October 30, 2013

The First Frosty Morning

There's still time left - the month isn't over yet.
I thought I'd stitch this little owl.  As you can see I've been working on the border and the tree.

We were due for a hard frost Monday night. 

With that in mind, my sister went down to her dahlia garden to pick a couple of 'last' bouquets.

The small bouquet on the left is composed of "Persian Carpet" zinnias.
The right bouquet has dahlias and Parvati-cat is scoping out the arrangements. 

Tuesday dawned with sub-freezing temperatures and a cold thin moon.

This Turkey Vulture spent quite some time atop a snag.
All About Birds says, "Often, especially in the morning, they can be seen standing erect, wings spread in the sun, presumably to warm up..."

The wild cherry was ablaze with color.

A Douglas Fir cone - frost-coated. 

Jack Frost visited this Big Leaf Maple leaf.

The woodpile is sporting an array of mosses and lichen. 

At the edge of the backyard the frost blanketed the blackberry vines. 

Long-haired Padma braved the morning cold and went off to the front of the house to patrol. 

Little did he know that while he watched (on the far right), he was also being watched (on the far left) by three deer.

Yep, they were pretty interested.

Getting closer and closer...

Oh...I'm leaving because I want to - it has nothing to do with those pesky deer!

I'll end today with one of the signs of autumn - at least in this part of the world - a Woolly Bear Caterpillar.


  1. Your blog is so pretty. I love autumn. It's my favorite season. Like the color of the owl. I think frost makes leaves and pine cones very pretty. Your cats are beautiful.

  2. Love the lichen and moss on the wood pile! It is a garden unto itself.

  3. Your pics are beautiful and the cat...gorgeous!

    I too woke to a dusting of snow on the trees...Brrr.

    Love the little owl design, very cute.

  4. Ooo, that Padma photo would make for a great print! The icy tones of it are wonderful. Brrrr though! I would have stayed home in the warm house. :)

  5. BBBrrrr! Too cold! Everything looks so cold with that frost. lol! Love the new project. Don't like the frost. But love the kitty pics. :D

  6. I really love to see your pics. They are so well done and the info you give is so appreciated. Beautiful shots of the changing season.

  7. The wooly bear caterpillar is amazing - those colours are so striking.

  8. Beautiful "Frosty" pictures. I did the same thing. I went out and cut whatever looked good in my garden. I felt kind of sad about the season being over. We had a light frost 2 nights ago.

  9. Even though I'm not fond of winter, I like your frost pics. Love Padma surrounded by the frost covered ground with the deer watching.

  10. We have woolly caterpillars here too. Lovely first frost. The dahlias are so gorgeous..such glowing colors.

  11. Lovely frosty photos. I love frosty mornings and can hardly wait for some here.

    Cute new start.

  12. Thanks for sharing your pictures with us! They are always so sweet and beautiful!

    Those flowers are gorgeous!

  13. Isn't there a 'tale' to go with the woolies? The wider the lighter color, the harder/longer the winter? They talk about that here in VA. Love the pictures... Hugs!


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