Thursday, September 26, 2013

Unexpected Gifts

On a day when I really, really, really needed a pick-me-up, what should arrive in the mail, but an array of Unexpected Gifts.

Dear Michelle (aka Mouse) of Tales of a Stitching Mouse made my day with this highly personalized Care Package. She wrote me a lovely note and included a darling Madeleine Floyd cross stitch kit.     

Mouse generally begins her blog post by putting on the kettle and offering a cuppa' tea.  I've teased her that I am a Hot Chocolate Girl. So she included some hot chocolate for me to enjoy, and look at this delightful stitch! 

It's absolutely perfect Michelle!  I am so pleased and happy.
This will make wonderful way to remember the day we spent together in York.  A wonderful day - a wonderful memento.  

Remember the Madeleine Floyd cross stitch kit Michelle just gifted me with?
Do you think that she had any idea, any idea at all that while in England I bought this set of Floyd place mats? 

And this Floyd tea towel?
I expect Michelle knows I do enjoy bird-watching.  But she probably did not know that she'd be spot on with the cross stitch kit!

Now on to Cat News...

As you can see, Solomon is feeling much better! 

His appetite has returned and he's back to begging for food...

...and generally getting in the way.

This week the skies have echoed with the calls of geese.

I saw several large skeins on Monday...

...and still more on Tuesday and Wednesday.

Doesn't it look like they're in danger of crashing into one another?

All the "Vs" were headed in a southerly direction.

Most of the flocks I've noticed have been travelling in the late afternoon to early evening.   

There is a large reservoir, Fern Ridge, about 5 miles away.
I wonder if these groups will spend the night there before starting out again in the morning light.   

How do they decide when and where to spend the nights while migrating?
Do they call ahead and book a "reservoir-ation"? 

As it turned out, the day ended very well.  The promise, the hope, the faith inherent in the story of Noah's rainbow resonated with me. 


  1. What wonderful gifts from Mouse.
    That first picture of Solomon just cracks me up!!

  2. What a lovely gift! She's a sweetie. ;-) I love your bird pictures. We live in Northern Delaware and the geese have been really thick around here as they make their way south

  3. Friends are the best! What lovely gifts. So glad to hear Solomon is feeling better. We have seen lots of geese flying over. Your tea towel and place mats are lovely. take care Beth.

  4. I've noticed that these kind gifts have a habit of arriving at the most-needed times :) So nice of Mouse to send you all those lovely things!! Enjoy :)

  5. How very nice of Mouse. Bloggers are just the best! Your gift reminds me of Peggy Lee's gift -very personal.

  6. What a lovely gift from Mouse! So nice! Glad Solomon is feeling better. Hope the other cats are doing better as well.

  7. oooo what perfect timing :) so pleased that they all hit the right spot and had to giggle about the kit ... remembering a certain national trust shop ;)
    we are getting the geese formations too and I managed to get one shot of them ... autumn is certainly on its way and that was a fowl joke hahahahah love mouse xxxxxx

  8. What a lovely gift you received! Glad to hear Solomon is feeling better.

  9. So glad that your day finished up better. What a lovely package from Mouse.
    Solomon looks like he is stalking you :)

  10. What a wonderful gift, and how funny that you had the matching coaster.

    Glad the "boys are feeling better". I love your kitchen!

    Seeing the photos of the geese remind me of a scene in the BBC Pride & Prejudice version with Colin Firth. Funny that.

  11. I always feel sad when I see the geese fly south and always mutter that I hope I see them next year lol so far I have lol

  12. First of all, I am sorry you were having a rough time...Life sure has its ups and downs. Love the gifties from Mouse--enjoy the hot chocolate. I think I will have a cuppa this morning, just because it looked good! Love all the pictures! Big Hugs to you!

  13. Awwwwwwww, that is a wonderful surprise. Just perfect! :)

  14. Oh, how lovely! I know just how you feel, I was feeling so down just the other day and I happened to receive a surprise, anonymous gift of a bunch of fabric. Still can't figure out for sure who it was! It's nice to know that you never know the goodness that you might receive on any given day.

  15. I am so in love with that hot chocolate cross stitch by the way! Is there a pattern somewhere??


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.