Monday, September 2, 2013

Small Town Sunday

Sunday we enjoyed a Small Town Sunday.

We went to Market of Choice get food for a picnic.
The Market was "All Ducked Out" as football season has begun.   

The flowers for sale at the Market also reflected the change of the seasons.

Picnic ready, we drove over to Washburn Park.

Sunday evening's free concert featured the One More Time Marching Band.

Perfect weather for an outdoor community concert.

A good venue for dogs as well!

Autumn sees the return of Vaux Swifts to the area.  They spend all day soaring over the river catching insects.  They never land or perch, but fly continually.  Then each night they return by the thousands to roost in this old school chimney.

FYI - We have a National Guard Unit nearby and they often do fly-bys with their fighter jets - no worries!


  1. Glad there are no worries! ;)
    What a sight those swifts must be. Much preferred to bats, thank you very much!!

  2. And a good time was had by all - looks like the perfect day!

  3. Aww so much fun :) and a lovely day.
    Hugs x

  4. The duck market looked like good fun and glad you enjoyed the picnic and band. Would love to see all those swifts must be a beautiful sight.

    Sounds as thou you are settled back down after your adventures or are you like me and everyday is an adventure.

    Hazel c uk

  5. Looks like a wonderful evening. My DD and her husband were in Oregon and saw the swifts. They were amazed. She said it looked almost like smoke the birds were so dense.

  6. Ah, that explains the fighters then. So much fun to see a small town event! Love it!

  7. Looks like a fun Sunday! We had thousands of dragonflies swooping and flying about the last few evenings. It's an awesome sight and we only see it for a short time in August each year.

  8. Looks like you were entertained during your picnic. Great day you had. love Annette


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