Wednesday, September 11, 2013


If I am late or dally while getting ready in the morning, I have "supervision" and am encouraged to "get a move on".

My new camera arrived late Tuesday afternoon. 

I played with it just the littlest bit.

It seems like it is going to take decent wildlife photos.

This Flicker was quite a distance away...

...and I got a very clear picture of the wind-ruffled feathers.

Padma says, "Well done!"


  1. Oh Beth! I think the pictures look really fabulous!

  2. Great photos. I think you'd take good photos even if you had a Box Brownie.

  3. I am of the same opinion--you would take great pictures, no matter what you were using! Love the fluttering feathers one! Hugs!

  4. Great pics! Glad the new camera arrived. I love your kitty companion urging you on in the mornings. lol!

  5. It looks like the new camera will do a great job!

  6. I love to play too! What kind of camera did you get?

  7. Nice! What kind of camera did you go with, if you don't mind me asking?


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