Wednesday, September 18, 2013


I had every intention of posting a Wednesday Walk today, but yesterday it rained - hard - from 9am until 1pm or so.  Then it was time to pick up the cats from the vet - so no opportunity.

Instead we'll have to make due with some hummingbird photos.
In an earlier post I said I had both Rufous and Anna's.
I've now changed my mind - every bird I've seen lately is an Anna. 
As you can see in the collage, the birds like sedums, salvias, fuchsias and agastaches. 

The Black and Blue Salvia is a favorite.

Here a bird perches atop a spent branch...

...and stands guard so that no one else can partake.

The plant is large enough to easily accommodate several birds though that rarely happens.

This one is in 'full battle mode' with its ruby throat ablaze. They certainly are feisty little things!

Solomon and Parvati are back home.  Solomon has an extremely inflamed throat - I'd liken it to tonsillitis or strep throat in a human.  He is very uncomfortable and is taking morphine for the pain.  Parvati is grumpy and has an upset stomach, but is not nearly as ill as her brother.  I think we are on the road to recovery - it will just take a while.  


  1. Sending big hugs for your kitties,.
    Sweet birds
    Hugs x

  2. That last hummingbird pic is AWESOME Beth!
    Hugs to kitties.

  3. Hopefully the worst is over now - it's good when things settle down after such a worrying time. Lovely photos today - they are one of nature's true jewels.

  4. That camera of yours is AH-MA-ZING! I'm astounded it caputured those feathers like that. Cool!

  5. Poor kitties! I hope the road to recovery won't be too long.

    Thanks for the photos of the hummingbirds - they're so cool. I especially love the one where the red throat feathers are bared - never knew that before!

  6. What great pictures - again! The last one is truly amazing.

  7. Such lovely photos Beth the birds are amazing.

    So pleased the cats are recovering.

    Hazel c uk

  8. I love love love hummingbirds! But you already knew that. I still remember watching hummingbirds from my grandmother's livingroom in California. They are just so cool. Hope those fur babies are on the road to recovery and there is no more sickness. Poor things.

  9. Amazing hummingbird pics! Great to hear the cats are all home. Here's hoping they are better soon.

  10. So sorry to hear your kitties are ill, Beth--sure hope they feel better soon... I so love your hummingbird photos! We just put up a feeder outside our kitchen window and were delighted at how quickly they found it :)

  11. Lovely pics of the hummingbirds.

    I wish I would get morphine when I have strep throat. I can imagine just how bad that kitty feels.

  12. Great hummingbird pics! I'm so glad to hear the cat family is doing better. It is so sad to see them sick when you can't tell them what is wrong. Much like having a sick baby.

  13. I did not know about the ruby throat feathers doing that either! You are such a fountain of bird information--so glad you share with us! Great pictures!

  14. love the humming birds and that red on the throat is gorgeous colour ... and hope the furbabys are much better now .... :) love mouse xxxxxx
    ps watch out for the postie ;)

  15. Shades of Audubon ~ What stunning
    pictures... Thank you for sharing
    your expertise and treats....


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