Saturday, August 24, 2013

The Hummingbirds Have Voted

The hummingbirds have voted, and the winner is:
Black and Blue Salvia (Salvia guaranitica).

This plant is easily 4' wide and 5' tall.  It is a monster in the flowerbed.

Yesterday morning I counted five, yes five, hummingbirds all feasting from the salvia. 

See? They love this plant!

It's big enough that several birds can perch at the same time.

I'm always happy to have plants that attract hummingbirds.
I delight in watching their antics and aerial acrobatics.


  1. Oh my gosh! I am so impressed. I can't seem to find that plant. I will start looking earlier next year,

  2. Lucky you Beth in having humming birds they are so pretty.

    I to like salvias and have a nice bush of Hot Lips that changes from white to red and back again during the day.

    Hope you and mum are back to normal now.

    Hazel c uk

  3. Hope you are adjusting to our time here in USA. Beautiful humming birds, and love the pretty plants they love. We have humming birds here too but only occasionally do we get to see them. love Annette

  4. I have only spotted ONE hummingbird this summer.
    Are you and your mom back to a normal routine now?

  5. How wonderful that you can enjoy true nature the way you do. We live in a city but near a creek, and we have two wild turkey and their baby, and yesterday a pretty good-sized owl rested on our fence, but that's about as good as it gets! I love your photos; thanks for sharing!

  6. What kind of camera do you have? I envy those lovely photos of the hummingbirds. I have never had blue salvia and judging from your comment about the size, my garden is too small for it.

    We have hardy fuschia and lots of butterfly bushes and this year the hummingbirds seem to have discovered them in our garden. Our hummingbirds, however, seem to be the bland brown variety (though I don't have the best of eyesight!)

  7. I love hummingbirds! It's so great that you get so many!

  8. Must be lovely to see so many hummingbirds!

  9. I love having plants that attract the hummingbirds as well. We haven't seen as many this year as in previous years.

    Yours are beautiful.

  10. Amazing pics of these little guys!

  11. Such great pics of something that moves sooooooooooo fast. Did you get your new (to you) camera in from eBay?

    I only get two kinds of hummingbirds on my feeders. A brilliant green type and the dark/ruby throat ones. Get quite a bit of them though. Changed my feeder this summer to a kind with a perch and I love seeing them slow down enough to actually sit there for a few minutes. Never used to get that with the older feeder I had.


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