Thursday, August 22, 2013

Home Again Home Again...

I kitted this up to just before leaving London.  I thought using just one color of thread would make this a great stitch to work on during the plane ride home.

Speaking of home...
This morning I went outside to see what birds might be about.
As this hawk was hanging around, everyone else avian was AWOL. 
Except for the hummingbirds.

There are now both Anna and Rufous hummingbirds working the flowers and feeders.

And jealously guarding their territory.

I think there must be at least 6-8 birds.

I missed seeing them these last three months.

Did I miss the Band-tailed Pigeons?  No so much.  Most of the large flock have left the area, but one or two stranglers remain. 

The Steller's Jays are in molt and look quite tatty.

There are at least two Quail families with young chicks.  This proud Papa was standing guard over his family.

I had a very quiet day.  I didn't even get around to unpacking.  Spent some time outside with the cats, read a bit, and napped a lot trying to get readjust to an 8 hour time difference.

I do want to thank everyone who "Followed Along" on my UK Adventures this summer.  Your support and insightful comments were an important part of my "Excellent Adventure".


  1. Welcome Home Beth! Love the birds especially the cute little hummingbirds. We saw them doing the dive bombing thing this morning, most fascinating.

  2. It will take you a few days to adjust to being back home again. I'm not surprised you didn't feel like packing - you had a long trip with delays added in. Good to see the hummingbirds again.

  3. So glad you are home safe and sound Beth and thank you once again for letting us share your adventures.

    You do have so e lovely birds in your garden.

    Rest well.

  4. Welcome HOME!!! Oh you must be soo happy to see your family, and your cats:) Beautiful color you selected for your next wip. Hope you get all the rest you need.
    love Annette

  5. You obviously had a BIG Welcome Home from the birds and your cats! Take things slowly, the unpacking can wait .. enjoy your weekend xx

  6. No rush to get back to the day to day. Your trip home was exhausting.
    I love the new project.

  7. Hope the adjustment to the time difference goes well and you settle back in quickly. I love seeing the hummingbirds! And all the other birds as well.

  8. Welcome home!!! I am so happy to know you are safely home.

    (Didn't Dorothy say it best? "There's no place like home.")

    Thank you so much for sharing your "Excellent Adventure" with us. It truly was an amazing trip - for all of us. I really loved reading everything you wrote and enjoyed all,of your photos - very generous of you to share.

  9. Welcome home :)
    Enjoy the home and happy time..
    Big hugs x

  10. How nice to be back home! Thanks for including ME on the Excellent Adventure.

  11. Super vacation..but you still must be glad to be home.I would have missed my cats...not that they would have missed me. You must have a terrific Mom too all that walking but she must have so enjoyed your time together. Take a nap!

  12. What a wonderful vacation, and I enjoyed seeing all of it with you, but I'm glad to hear you're safely home! Take your time getting up and around; the cats will love to have you near, I'm sure.

  13. So glad you arrived home safely. I haven't been commenting a lot lately, but followed your trip on a daily basis, thank you so much for including us on your trip. Your certainly enriched my life with your postings and photos.

    Our hummingbirds are coming in full force right now, we probably have 15 to 20 at any given time. They are so busy chasing each other off the feeders that I doubt they have time to actually eat.

  14. Bet all your critters are happy to have you back home! Thanks for sharing so many details from your trip. Almost as if I was there with you.

  15. Welcome home, Beth! It will take some time to adjust to the time change, but also all the rushing around of late trying to get home!

    It must seem so quiet to be back home without the hustle and bustle of London! It's certainly nice to see the photos of the birds!

  16. Glad to know you're safely back home.

  17. oooooo you have arrived safe and sound then .... nap all you like you deserve it .. unpacking will still be there later :) love mouse xxxxx

  18. Welcome back home! I wanted to take the time to let you know how much I enjoy your blog and I have really enjoyed your time in England, Scotland and France. :0)

  19. Let me add my thanks for all the fabulous photos and history from your trip - you saw so many beautiful places and kindly shared them with us. Glad you got home safely- enjoy the rest.

  20. Yay! You two made it back, safe and sound! Now just rest... unpacking can wait a bit. Till later... HUGS!


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.