Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Strike Three - You're Out!

We got up early this morning to head up north.  As we walked to the Westferry DLR I remember thinking to myself, "You know, with all the many day trips we've taken, we've not been late and missed a train or connection."
Lesson - Don't taunt the gods!
Strike One - The DLR line into Bank had delays as a train had broken down 
Strike Two - The Northern line into King's Cross had severe delays
I had it in my mind that our train was due to leave at 7:20am.  We finally made it to King's Cross at 7:23am and I found a 7:30am train to York.  We made the train and congratulated ourselves.
Strike Three - Near Doncaster a broken down train slowly limped along the track and we followed behind it.  We were 14 minutes late into York and missed our connection to Malton.  

But it is hard to stay glum in the historic capital of British Chocolate makers!
We bordered the train and got off at Malton where our rescheduled taxi was waiting to take us to...

Scampston Hall

Scampston Estate has bought by the St. Quintin family at the end of the 17th century and they own it still.  In 1735 the 5th Baronet hired Lancelot Capability Brown to redesign the park in a naturalistic style.  That Capability, like Christopher Wren, sure got around! 

The 18th century Walled Garden is now a stunning 21st century four acre garden as designed by Piet Oudolf. My Mom had read about the garden and wanted to see it in person. Dispite being late, we were allowed to join the head gardener's walk and talk.  That was a great way to learn about Oudolf's garden philosophies and how to care and maintain them in the style Piet prefers.
The mini pyramid shown earlier allows one to survey the walled garden.

The Drifts of Grass garden room epitomizes Oudolf's style.
This garden is Piet's largest private commission in the U.K. 

He is famous for using flowing shapes and lots of different grasses..

He also uses boxwood forms in interesting fashions.

Here's yet another example.

Here's a look at several of the garden rooms.

I must say that Oudolf's style appeared to meet with the approval of the many pollinators.

The Perennial Meadow is one of the more complex gardens.

All of the plants must have more than one season's interest, must be self 
supporting (no staking), and must be content without any additional watering.

Silvers and greys and greens...

..with a touch of red and bronze thrown in.

I think every public garden and estate in the UK has a small cafe or two.  Today we had a nicely presented lunch.  Mom had a panini, I had a salmon wrap. 

I think I stumbled up on a new bird today - a Whinchaf. Am I right?

There were lots of contented birds in the water and the trees. 

Our train ride back to Malton took us past the ruins of Kirkham Priory.

I think this mailbox though is the best find of the day!
I love the white "GR" metal plate.  It's missing three screws and I'm afraid that someday soon it will disappear. 


  1. I like that " you must be interesting, stand on your own and don' t drink to excess" hahaha

  2. Interesting - I really like that style of garden.

  3. It's a pity you had train issues today, at least you got to join the talk though. I've never heard of Scampston Hall before, it looks like a place worthy of a visit.

  4. welcome to being a "British" commuter ..lol
    lovely place too .. I think I may have been here years ago ... and love the must stand with out support ... not done that in years heheheheh
    and nice post box find too :) love mouse xxxxxx

  5. The gardens rooms were just beautiful. Interesting rules he had for the gardens. It makes my garden look like a spoiled little brat! What an interesting mail box! In spite of the difficulties, it looks like another great day!!

  6. I find it difficult to believe there are many plants that would need more water than they could get during a British summer! ;)

  7. Lovely. I have enjoyed all your pictures!

  8. Scampston Estate's gardens are Gorgeous! Loved that you did get to arrive at your destination with all the delays. love Annette

  9. Another wonderful day out and the gardens are beautiful.

    Sorry about the trains it is something taken for granted here in the UK or at least the London area.

    On to tomorrow's post.

    Hazel c uk

  10. I love that you are finding these wonderful places to visit. Did you tour the house too? The gardens are amazing. Chocolate?!

  11. so beautiful..and i really love Gr metal mail box. so interesting x

  12. I'm glad you managed to make it where you wanted to go after all the delays and misses. I love that garden designer's name! lol! So cool! It's interesting to me how gardens are designed just like houses or rooms are. Beautiful!

  13. What a different garden! Better travels next time! ;)

  14. Not as colorful as some you've seen, but still a very nice garden.
    I can't believe you haven't missed more trains either. It was bound to happen, I guess, at some point. It's hard to feel bad about it when more chocolate is the reward. Mmmmm!

  15. Interesting that there are rules for his gardens. I read them, thought about protesting, and then righted myself because it IS England after all! They get plenty of rain, so watering wouldn't be a problem. Though I have tried to grow glads and they needed assistance. But those gardeners knew what they were doing. Thanks for the tour... Hugs!

  16. I'd never heard of Scampston Hall ... but I do now.


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