Thursday, July 25, 2013

Heavenly Hidcote

I did say just one more Patriotic Stitch didn't I? Ooops!

This is the newest Underground poster. I think it is so very clever with George's name surrounded by the Underground logo.

Today we journeyed to Hidcote Bartrim to visit Hidcote, an Arts and Carfts garden in the northern Cotwolds. Our day started off a bit rocky as the taxi never arrived to pick us up at Honeybourne, but with a bit of luck and the kindness of a stranger or two we got there.  

Major Lawrence Johnston spent most of his adult live designing and creating Hidcote Manor Garden. 

It is amazing!

I don't think I've ever been in a garden with so many contented bees.

There are wonderful beds of plants...

...and large borders including the famous Red Border.
The garden is divided up into room after room after room.
Some of the rooms are secluded... 
...while others are expansive.

It's a high maintenance garden with hedges and topiary. 

And numerous butterfiles.

Hidcote Garden in up on a knoll and the Cotswold countryside spreads out in every direction.


Oh so pretty.

The views are protected from future development so there will never be a power station or high rises to mar the vistas.

I think I fell a little bit in love with this garden.

This sea of blue and chartreuse was one of my favorite areas. 

Simple plantings - it's the repetition of the plants and colors that makes it so vibrant and attractive. 

The blue garden benches strike just the right note.

There are several small seasonal seeps in the garden, so shade and moisture loving plants do well.  

There is a three sided hot-house for tender plants that faces a lovely water lily filled pond. 

This is one side of the Long Borders.

The garden sections include the Courtyard, the Old Garden, the White Garden, the Circle, the Red Borders, the Stilt Garden, the Apline Terrace, Mrs Wintrop's Garden, The Stream Gardens, the Long Walk, the Great Lawn, the Beech Allee, and still others.

No wonder it was an all day adventure to explore most everything "Hidcote had to offer.

Stunning plant combinations.
The perfect geometry of well set-out mature trees.
In 1948 Hidcote was the first property gifted to the National Trust specifically for its gardens, rather than for a Stately Home.
Thus the National Trust says that Hidcote is where it learned to garden!
I think we could all learn from Hidcote!

The gift shop had some great local produce.
Anyone interested in some fresh curd to take back home?


  1. I can see why you fell in love with this garden. What beautiful countryside! I loved the photos of the bees and the butterflies!

  2. Wow, how gorgeous! Simply fabulous! I never appreciated gardens as much as I do now -- I feel like I'm getting an education in gardens from you.

  3. Beautiful garden! That lemon curd looks yummy

  4. well i think this is the best garden sooooo far and those views *sigh ... would love to have them from my craft room
    and yummmy lemon curd ... haven't tried the others but think I might just have too :) love mouse xxxxx

  5. What a beautiful place to visit, it looks so relaxing. I haven't had lemon curd for years - I used to make my own and it was so easy to do. I think my favourite today would be the red border (my favourite colour).

  6. Okay Hidcote is my favorite now. It's spectacular. I too am in love with their gardens. They make it look so easy for me to copy some here at home. But I know its not easy. Gorgeous tour, Thank you Beth.
    love Annette I like your new wip.

  7. I really love that view of the Cotswald countryside.

  8. What a beautiful garden! England seems to have so many of them. I think the curd looks wonderful.

  9. Well that was certainly a lovely tour of Hidcote and such a beautiful place to.

    Your photography is wonderful Beth giving us so much to see.

    Like the new poster will have to watch out for this.
    Hazel c UK

  10. The gardens are just so heavenly. I love the bee and butterfly pictures. It sure looks like heaven!

  11. Beautiful pictures, and the garden looks enchanting - and lovely views.

  12. what an amazing garden, Beth--thank you so much for sharing your great pictures with us! I loved the baby poster, and the curd jars as well as the pretty blue benches.

  13. Simply beautiful, I will take one lemon and one raspberry thank you..........

  14. It is a lovely place. The hot-house wasn't built when we visited.

    Great poster!

  15. Bucolic! Great word! Perfect description!


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