Friday, June 14, 2013

The Docklands

I've done a bit more stitching on "Souvenir de France."

Today we stayed closer to 'home".

Our apartment is near the Thames River...

...close to Canary Wharf.

It seemed fitting then...

...that we take a stroll...

...along Wren Landing...  

...and visit the Museum of London - Docklands.

Yes - school children here too!

The Museum of London - Docklands is a newish museum in an oldish building.
It traces the history and economic importance of commercial trade in the London Docks from Roman times through the present.

By the early 1600's the East India Company realized there was a market at home for Indian muslins and chintz. 

UPDATED: This is the 1779 painting of Dido Elizabeth Belle and her cousin, Lady Elizabeth Murray. This painting was the inspiration for the 2014 movie "Belle".  
By that time, the British were embroiled in the African Slave Trade. 
London was the 4th largest slave trading port in the world after Rio, Bahia, and Liverpool

This is a listing of slaves and stock from a Caribbean plantation.
The exhibits in this part of the museum are exceptional and thought-provocking. 

Trade in certain commodities like tobacco, chocolate, and coffee brought with it the need for new consumer items like teapots and coffee cups and sugar bowls.

Due to its economic importance, the Docklands area was a constant target in World War II.

This glass piece reflects on the violence of the German aerial attacks. 

After hundreds of years of commerce, the Docklands exist no more (much like the US steel industry).  The docks have been demolished and the areas rebuilt. 

Canary Wharf for example, is now a world famous financial district.
It is so important that today, ahead of the G-8 meetings in Belfast, it was the site of demonstrations.  I'll bet we saw well over one hundred policemen, and nary a demonstrator.


  1. That's a part of London where I've never been - it looks exciting. Nice going on the Souvenir.

  2. A couple of interesting days for you and your mum. There is so much to see and take in - I hope the sun shone for some of your day.

  3. Another wonderful museum. Loved all your info and photos. Great progress on Souvenir. Have you found a favorite tea while in London? Thank you for sharing. love Annette

  4. Wow Beth. I'm still loving all your photos and information. What a fantastic trip. When you say apt. is that like a motel/hotel here? How long is your trip going to be?


  5. So glad your day stayed peaceful. What a cute picture of the little school boys!

  6. Fascinating post. I love Souvenir

  7. Such a sweet post..I love souvenir too xx

  8. oooo you are nearer to me this visit ... seen parts of london not been to before ... going down there in October :) lovely stitching on the souvenir de France , like the blue you have chosen :) love mouse xxxxx

  9. A very fascinating post Beth.

  10. Just loving this tour, your photos and information are wonderful. Over looking the Thames must be great.

  11. Thanks again for taking us along on your tours. I'm keeping a list and when I win the lottery will know exactly what to see!

  12. Looks like another interesting and fun day in London, Beth! Are you renting the same apartment for your whole visit? I'm sure that is much more economical than staying in hotels!

  13. Beth, I am sure you are going to be so glad you journaled/blogged your trip. What a great "scrapbook" for the future for you to look back upon.

  14. How lovely to have a view of the Thames River from your apartment. It is wonderful to be able to share your tour with you....thank you for the great photos and descriptions of everything.

    Blessings for a safe and wonderful trip!

  15. I'm loving learning all this stuff! Do you watch Call the Midwife? So is this where that took place? I assume so. So interesting that the Docklands are so gone now. Loved seeing the museum and all the history too.

  16. Love the Roman statue and the teacups. I'm playing a Roman general in a play this summer, so I appreciated seeing that :)


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