Friday, May 24, 2013

The Very Wet Chelsea Flower Show - Day Two

Warning!  Picture heavy post!
Day Two of the Chelsea Flower Show was cold and miserable with rain most of the day.  Thank goodness for the Grand Pavilion!
The Grand Pavilion is an enormous covered area where the nurseries have their show displays.  May I say they are amazing and in their own right they are works of art.  Every kind of plant imaginable is represented at the peak of perfection.
There were cacti

and delphinium

and narcissus

and orchids

and carnivorous plants

and auricula
and lupin

and sweetpeas.
Just look - everything imaginable including bonsai.  

There were acers

and hostas
and allium

and lilies

and alpines (rock garden plants)

and even foxes

and last but not least, there were dahlias!
(Which considering they do not 'naturally' bloom until July was just darned amazing).
Oh yes, there were also plenty of opportunities to shop as well.
After all of that, I'm tuckered out.


  1. What a pity your weather wasn't good today. We've had sunshine all day but it's very cold for May. The photo with the lupins is amazing - I just love it.

  2. Oh my, what gorgeous displays - especially all those succulents.

  3. Wow! That is just so amazingly gorgeous! Wow! I love the shopping too!

  4. Thank you for the two post with such a wonderful tour. The Chelsea Garden Show is on my 'bucket list' of things to see/attend.

  5. I am so pleased you and your Mum had such a good time at Chelsea despite the cold unseasonal wet weather! All those amazing blooms are pure garden inspiration. Have a great weekend.

  6. Unbelievable. It's all just so lovely and colorful.


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