Sunday, April 28, 2013

What's A Cat To Do?

The last several days the temperatures have been 73F, 75F, 77F, and 79F!
In April.
In Oregon.
The cats have acclimated and are behaving like cats...  

Enjoying the sunshine...

Taking in vitamin D...

and otherwise doing as little as possible.

I've been working in the front flowerbeds...

...under the watchful eye of many a Tiger.

Until all that supervising becomes exhausting... 

...and its time for an early morning catnap!
Ah, the life of a cat!


  1. You've just got to love a cat's life style :-) Enjoy the nice weather!

  2. Such fun! Your cats are so enjoying themselves!

  3. The cats look very happy with the weather. All the nice weather must be in Oregon. It is cool, cloudy, and little bits of rain up here.

  4. I'm with the kitties -- snoozing in the sunshine is just the perfect thing!

  5. Your cats are both beautiful and hilarious! Our kitties enjoyed all the sunshine as well--hoping for more in the forecast this week.

  6. Love theswe pictures - you always have wonderful pictures!!

  7. Cats doing what they do best! They are all adorable.


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