Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Primrose Tuesday

I finished "February's Primrose" the 2nd in a new series by Cottage Garden Samplings. 

Design - "February's Primrose"
Designer - Cottage Garden Samplings
Fabric - 32 count White Chocolate linen
Fibers - DMC, GAST, & WDW - 2 strands over 2 threads
Started - 13 March 2013
Completed - 20March 2013

Another fun border - who knew borders could be fun?  I like the crown and key motifs.  Plus an appropriate sentiment for February.  The colors used for the flowers are lovely - my photo does not do them justice. 

And speaking of primroses...It's time for another Garden Party over at An Oregon Cottage

I think this primrose looks rather like the ones I just stitched!

It rained recently and splashed dirt on these lovely primrose blossoms.  This one is such a pretty color, I wanted to share - dirt and all. 

Here are the three Belarina primroses I over-wintered.
From left to right: Cobalt Blue, Cream, and Buttermilk Yellow. 

I also over-wintered this Cowslip primrose (primula veris).  I remember the first time I ever saw them growing wild: It was late May along a lake outside of Dublin, Ireland.

Lots of daffodils coming into bloom.

This is kind of a mash of tulips, muscari, and daffodils.

Doesn't that make you smile?

I can see these outside my craft room widow.

We have two daphne - one on each side of the steps to the Front Porch.  The large shrubs are blooming and wafting fragrance. 

My trillium progress report - isn't this going to be a stunner?

Podophyllum are such funny plants. They certainly add interest to a shaded area. 

I bought a small native wild Bleeding Heart (dicentra) last summer.  It is coming back strong and twice as big.

This tray of cyclamen and pansies as performed for months on end now.  I planted the pots in October and tucked them in a west facing nook under the eaves.  Though they've looked rather sad on very cold mornings, they've recovered by each afternoon.  A lot of bang for the buck.
The hummingbirds are most pleased that this currant is now in bloom.

That's my Tuesday Garden Report. 


  1. You seem to be a bit ahead of us with your spring growth. We're still freezing here and it's set to continue through this week.

  2. wow super spring happiness all around..
    hugs x

  3. Great finish - congrats! Your flowers are lovely.

  4. Loved our morning walk today, Beth...and your Primrose finish is lovely!

  5. Love your Feb. Primrose part! The flowers are gorgeous and make me smile too :D

  6. Pretty finish! And I'm looking forward to the end of our cold weather, and also to the flowers of spring!

  7. Awww, what lovely flowers and beautiful stitching! I hope we're going to see some spring blooms around here soon.

  8. All the flowers look so pretty. The weather here in Northern Alabama is just horrid. We have had snow flurries all day. The wind chill was 20 degrees. And people think the weather we have in the Pacific NW is bad because of a little rain!!!!! There are many blooming trees and I'm afraid things will be getting zapped. The weather has been like this for two days. We look forward to getting home on Sat. We have been dealing with many family problems.

  9. Such a gorgeous finish, Beth--I sure wish we were seeing those flowers around here instead of the snow!! I'm so envious of your early springs out there!!

  10. I love your February block -- so pretty! Love all the flowers too. It's so nice to be able to admire spring in your yard since there's none around here. lol!

  11. Love that stitching. Reminds me that I need to find another project. It is so relaxing.
    Your daffs are lovely, I'm envious as we cannot grow there here.
    Lovely blooms...

  12. How pretty your latest finish is :) Gorgeous flowers, especially the daphne which is my all time favourite:)

  13. beautiful pictures thank
    bisous from FRANCE

  14. I LOVE primroses. They are such a welcome after a long grey winter.
    My daphne is next to the front steps as well. Nothin' quite beats that heavenly smell.
    Happy spring!

  15. Wonderful finish Beth! Such pretty colors.
    Also all the flower pics are just great!

  16. What beauty abounds :)
    I'm still looking at a ground full of snow :)

  17. I really love these patterns. It's a great finish. :)


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