Friday, January 25, 2013

My Grosbeak Boy

I'm done stitching "Old Man Winter" and will post the finish on Monday. 
So now I'm thinking...maybe another snowman?

Whether or you are a knitter or not, you have to take a look at the photos and video of "Visit Scotland's" newest campaign.  Too cute!

I know I've posted lots of pictures of my Evening Grosbeaks lately.
It's just so unusual to have them around this time of year.

Rather than Oscar and Felix, I've decided my two guys are Father and Son.
This is Son.

He is shorter and chunkier than his father. 

He still has his baby-fat and downy baby look to him. 

He isn't the brightest bird on the planet either.

He lets me get very close to him.

He just stares at me - doesn't fly away in alarm.

He is a very pretty boy though.

There's something about the yellow eyebrow stripe that makes an Evening Grosbeak look intelligent and inquisitive.

You can see from the bits on his beak that he's had a delicious meal of sunflower seeds and is now topping it off with a drink of water.
Silly boy!


  1. What a cute boy :-) Good luck with choosing a new project.

  2. Sweet boy ..happy stitching dear xxx

  3. What a beautiful pair of birds...your photos are always amazing.

  4. Thanks for the link Beth, it made me smile to see the ponies. The lady who provided the knitwear is a lovely lady to shop with. I've bought several items for my mum from her website and she is a delight to shop with.

  5. What a pretty bird! Wow! Love his eyebrows. lol!

  6. You REALLY did get close! Wow! Interesting eyebrow...bright and vivid! Hugs!

  7. That little guy is so cute! And I agree he does look intelligent!

  8. He's cute. Just curious how you decided they are father and son?

  9. Heeeeeheeeee! Ponies in sweaters!! :)
    Thanks for the link!

  10. awwww he is a cutie pie and you always have to have a drink after a good meal :)

    love mouse xxxxx


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