Monday, January 21, 2013

In the Foggy Dew

Design - "Winter"
Chart - "Winter Crazy" #133
Designer - Lizzie Kate
Fabric - 30 count Ice Blue linen
Fibers - GAST & WDW - 2 strands over 2 threads
Started - 13 January 2013
Completed - 20 January 2013

This has been the perfect stitch to counter day upon day of unremitting cold and fog.  Thanks to everyone who commented on my WIPs.  I think they are all worthy of finishing - I just need to get motivated and start working on one on a regular basis.  

Here's a look at the "Foggy Dew" we've enjoyed the past week.

I think the fog temporarily 'grounded' a group of Robins.

It's pretty unusual to have them hanging out in the hedgerow.

The Flickers remain active in the foggy weather.

This female is rather shy, but she comes by the suet feeder several times a day. 

My Evening Grosbeaks (two bachelors 'ala Oscar and Felix) are bright beacons in the fog.  Not only is their plummage colorful, they make a very bright, cheerful 'chirr' when talking to one another.

I'll just call this "Birds" - Finches or Pine Siskins or something of that ilk. 

The Mourning Doves gather in large groups each morning and evening.

They are the same muted colors as the trees and sky.

My Oregon Juncos are daily visitors no matter the weather.

This hawk, spent all morning ruffling its tail feathers.  Probably trying to dry out a bit.  I think we are both ready for a change of weather.  I know I will welcome the rain when it arrives on Wednesday.


  1. Love the Winter finish, sure feels like winter here, lol
    The flicker is beautiful

  2. I love your finish! That's quite a fog you've been experiencing. Ew. :D

  3. Foggy weather isn't much fun at all, it casts a greyness over everything.

  4. Pretty little stitching! I love LK designs :)

  5. Very cute finish, Beth! Now, that is a lot of fog--it's a wonder the poor birdies can see straight to fly :)

  6. "Winter" is so cute and bright it almost makes me want to play in the snow -- if we had any, that is.

    Love seeing the robins! They are such a welcome sight in the spring here.

  7. Congrats on the VERY cute finish! And I can never get enough of your bird pictures :-)

  8. Did I ever mention that I grew up in San Francisco, in the Sunset district, which was four blocks from the beach and two from the zoo? Anyway... it was ALWAYS foggy! And cold! But you go downtown through the tunnel, and it is sunny and warm on the other side! It always bugs me to hear people talk about sunny SF... go down to the beach!! I love the beach here--the water is WARM and the sun is out with no fog! Love ALL the birds, as you know... Hugs!

  9. Very, very cute little finish! Reminds me of all the colorful woolies from the garden shop that you post about.


Thank you all. I appreciate that you've read my blog and are taking the time to comment.